

这是一张本科时候画的江南第一山——无锡惠山。纯用鼠标画的。这张《无锡景》,是2001年圣诞前一天,冒着考试挂科的危险,窝在宿舍里,照着95年拍的照片,在那台古董电脑上,Windows 98,吭哧吭哧,用鼠标,先在Windows画板里描线,再在完全陌生的Photoshop里,一条条线勾勒的,画了两天呢。虽然技法稚嫩,但是对于我一个理科生来说毕竟是第一次接触ps。这图是画了送给一个建筑系mm的新年礼物,可惜人家并不领情…… 😥

















  1. David

    omg!!! how many comments do u have? anyways.. i hope u understand what i'm saying here since i can't read the comments u get. all i c r squares. so here goes... how on earth did u get the music going? i want to do that as well.plz replybyesDavid.

    Unknown · Unknown
    1. S

      @DavidHello David. You just left comments in my Space, saying, "how on earth did u get the music going? i want to do that as well."Here's the reply:1. Go to http://www.siteexperts.com/blogging/editit.htm , download the Editor, then follow the instructions step by step;2. Adding music is really simple. First, you have to have some basic knowledge on HTML. I think you might have known something. In Editor under the HTML mode, you add this fragment: <P><IMG height=0 loop=infinite dynsrc=TheMusicURL width=0 border=0></P>Note that TheMusicURL is an actual URL online. E.g. http://www.somespace.com/live.midYou can add different types of musics such as wmv and mp3, but it is strongly recommended that you use midi file for its smallness.That's all. Remember always put the entry that contains this fragment at the homepage.Cheers,Yang

      Unknown · Unknown
  2. 晃


    Unknown · Unknown
    1. S

      @晃Re Joannee:嘿嘿,果酱!

      Unknown · Unknown
  3. 晓湉


    Unknown · Unknown
    1. S

      @晓湉Re 湉湉:呵呵,谢谢!常来玩。

      Unknown · Unknown
  4. .


    Unknown · Unknown
    1. S

      @.Re 水:偶不是懒,偶是实在实在抽不出时间!被JAVA搞死了……

      Unknown · Unknown
      1. hongtao


        Unknown · Unknown
  5. David

    "In Editor under the HTML mode, you add this fragment: <P><IMG height=0 loop=infinite dynsrc=TheMusicURL width=0 border=0></P> Note that TheMusicURL is an actual URL online. E.g. http://www.somespace.com/live.mid"so, "<P><IMG height=0 loop=infinite dynsrc=TheMusicURL width=0 border=0></P>" i just put that in where i write the blog entries?"http://www.somespace.com/live.mid&quot; and this is a website for uploading the music u want to use? i went to it. but its all underconstruction.and no. i don't know alot about htmls. i don't usually edit em.but thanks for ur help and replybyesDavid

    Unknown · Unknown
    1. S

      @DavidReply to David: OK, here's the detaild instruction.The first thing you have to do is to add a software which will be imbedded in your Microsoft Internet Explorer (Don't use browsers such as Mozillar Firefox, Netscape, MyIE and so on). This software/application is called "Edit it!". The software can be downloaded at: http://www.siteexperts.com/blogging/editit.htm ,Just follow the first paragraph of that webpage to install it.The second thing is, click on the toolbar that you just installed. This button can be found at your Internet Explorer's "Favorites" column (which is at the top of your IE), named "Edit it!". Recall when you try to publish an article, after clicking the "Add entry" in your Space, you can see a textfield that is used to write your article . So, seeing the textfiled, before you begin to type your real article, click on the button "Edit it!" that you just installed, and you will find a line with a tickbox, below that textfield, says: "Use HTML to create your page. - Edit the HTML formatting commands directly." Click on that line. You can see that the textfield looks like a mass, with HTML tags and other staffs. By this time you begin to code.You add this fragment before the first <P> tag: <P><IMG height=0 loop=infinite dynsrc=TheMusicURL width=0 border=0></P>Note that TheMusicURL (E.g. http://www.somespace.com/example.mid ) I said before is an UNREAL URL. That is a demonstration of an ACTUAL valid URL, for my explanation only. Sorry for the misunderstanding.You have to upload your own music to some website and try to find out the URL of that file. (E.g. http://www.caishow.com/cooperation/midi.asp?f=411&midiUrl=http://www.midifan.com/midi/database/temp/14247.mid )This is a midi from Yani's pop songs.So, the final fragment will look like:<P><IMG height=0 loop=infinite dynsrc=http://www.caishow.com/cooperation/midi.asp?f=411&midiUrl=http://www.midifan.com/midi/database/temp/14247.mid width=0 border=0></P>Add it, and click the "Use HTML to create your page. - Edit the HTML formatting commands directly." label again. Here you begin real article writing.p.s. You can add different types of musics such as .WMV and .MP3, but it is strongly recommended that you use MIDI FILE (which means a music file with a .mid postfix) for its smallness.Hope it can help you.Cheers,Yang

      Unknown · Unknown
      1. David

        @S"You have to upload your own music to some website and try to find out the URL of that file"so, do u know any sites that i could use to upload the music i want? or do i have to use music from other web sites? and if i do have to use music from other sites... do u know a good way to find the site that has the midi file or other extensions that i could use? oh, and thanks for this reply. it really helped. i just haven't done all the steps yet. just stuck on the part of finding a site to use in the line.thanks againbyesDavid

        Unknown · Unknown


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