Cheap as chips from China

Graeme PhilipsonAugust 7, 2007Every now and then I wander into Tandy or Harvey Norman for no other reason than to look at how cheap things have be...

Talking about Transformers Toy Quality

I've purchased 8. They are here: Ratchet, Ironhide, Optimus Prime, Swindle, Starscream, Dreadwing, Blackout and Bonecrusher The Ratchet has ...


Ratatouille这个片子很有看头,不过我们家的小老鼠更有看头。这只小老鼠绝对成精了,历经三年多房客的各种灭鼠办法而幸存——各种办法!猫、捕 鼠夹、毒药、笼...