已经安装了Leaflet Maps Maker 2.4版的童子们今日应该会看到有插件更新。近日,经过多日奋斗插件作者放出了Leaflet Maps Maker最新版v2.5。其最最大的改进莫过于将谷歌地图也作为基础地图插进了2.5版中,by doing this,一堆谷歌地图控们就不需要再蛋疼的继续使用Mapquest那极其不精准的地图了。
设置方法:在Basemap中将“增加新地标/新图层默认的基础地图”设为谷歌地图即可。如果之前设置了层(layer)的,请点“列出所有层” → 点你之前设置的层编辑 → 在层地图右上角点选默认层为谷歌地图即可。
Leaflet Maps Marker v2.5 is available » Leaflet Maps Marker WordPress Plugin.
v2.5 - 06.07.2012
- Blog post with more details about this release
- NEW: support for Google Maps as basemaps
- NEW: admin dashboard widget showing latest markers and blog posts from mapsmarker.com
- NEW: Russian translation thanks to Ekaterina Golubina, supported by Teplitsa of Social Technologies - http://te-st.ru
- NEW: Bulgarian translation thanks to Andon Ivanov,http://coffebreak.info
- NEW: Turkish (tr_TR) thanks to Emre Erkan,http://www.karalamalar.net
- NEW: Polish (pl_PL) translation thanks to Pawel Wyszynski,http://injit.pl
- NEW: new collaborative translation sitehttp://translate.mapsmarker.com- contributing new translations is now more easier than ever 🙂
- CHANGED: updated Japanese translations thanks to Shu Higashi
- CHANGED: updated Italian translation thanks to Luca Barbetti
- CHANGED: updated Chinese translation thanks to John Shen, http://www.synyan.net
- CHANGED: updated Spanish translation thanks to Alvaro Lara, http://www.alvarolara.com
- CHANGED: updated French translation thanks to Rodolphe Quiedeville, http://rodolphe.quiedeville.org/
- CHANGED: updated Dutch translation thanks to Marijke
- CHANGED: show "no markers created yet" on sidebar widget, if no markers are available
- CHANGED: added translations strings for plugin update notice
- BUGFIX: v2.4 was broken on WordPress 3.0-3.1.3
- BUGFIX: WMS layer legend links were broken on marker/layer maps in admin area
- BUGFIX: \" in popup text caused layer maps to break (now " gets replaced with ')
Healson 江苏
十三年前 Firefox 13 · Windows XPS 巴西 *
@Healson 这个是不搭界的哎……
十三年前 Google Chrome 20 · Windows 7一个是个人网站,一个是手机……
2012: Leaflet Maps Maker:比谷歌定制地图更好
h 北京
十三年前 Firefox 13 · Windows XPS 巴西 *
@h 好!!
十三年前 Google Chrome 20 · Windows 7greg 上海
十三年前 Internet Explorer 9 · Windows 7S 江苏 *
@greg 挂了!
十三年前 Google Chrome 19 · Windows 7