话说前天老衲装了Leaflet Maps Maker以后就一直在忙着试软件,到作者的网站上看了一下还没有中文版,只有看着英文调了,心想要不要帮作者汉化一下呢。谁知写了《Leaflet Maps Maker:比谷歌定制地图更好》后软件作者Robert Harm便循着referer来到本站,还发了邮件问老衲愿不愿意帮忙汉化?
Hi Synyan,
I am the developer of mapsmarker.com - the wordpress plugin you posted about at http://synyan.cn/t/leaflet-maps-maker:比谷歌定制地图更好 - thanks for the kind words! 🙂
I have one question: I am desperately looking for someone who is doing a Chinese translation of my plugin. Unfortunately I haven´t found anyone yet.
I wonder if you happen to know somebody or a website/Emaillist where to ask. I think offering my (free) plugin also in Chinese would really improve the experience for users not being so good in English...Details about translation process can be found here: mapsmarker.com/translations
Any help would be really appreciated!
Best regards,
Leaflet Maps Marker Plugin for WordPress
这与我的想法一拍即合,于是昨晚便展开了汉化工作。虽然以前也没做过WordPress插件的汉化,但是想来应该很容易吧!看了Language pack下的PO文件后才发觉有3800多行,除去文件名等不需要翻译的外也有约数千条需要翻译,答应人家的不能反悔,硬着头皮上吧!从7点一直到11点,忙乎了4个小时终于大功告成!
了不得了 有个 在卖wordpress模板的网站 貌似用的一个 还不便宜