
2009年1月29日周四晚,维多利亚省会墨尔本市居民7万人涌向海滩避暑。海滩人满为患,紧急调集海滩义务救生员维持秩序。周四11点40分,city的气温是40度,下午4:40分,达到了44.3摄氏度。是1939年1月13日以来第三热天气。在Spencer Street(老虎注:墨尔本最大的铁路中心)的DFO商场因为高温断电,大多数商店被迫关门。救护车则忙于奔命,9am到5pm接到75个电话。都市消防队在高温第一天接到266个报警电话,绝大多数都是高温引起的变压器火灾;州消防队则接到了986个报警电话。南澳省会阿德莱德的高温也将持续一周左右时间,最高温度都在40度以上。高温甚至席卷了澳洲最南部的塔斯马尼亚省,在Flinders岛甚至记录了41.5度(老虎注:塔斯马尼亚纬度很高,距离南极只有300海里……)。本月也是维多利亚州159年记录里第二干旱的一月份,只有0.8毫米降水。
It's hot in the city — damned hot
The Age / Andra Jackson
January 30, 2009
THERE was an eerie feeling on Melbourne's streets yesterday. They were largely deserted, as people took refuge indoors to beat the searing heat.
The city's temperature reached 40 degrees by 11.40am. The mercury continued to climb throughout the afternoon, notching 44.3 degrees at 4.40pm.
It was the city's third-hottest day on record (the hottest was Black Friday — January 13, 1939 — with 45.6).
The heat followed a sticky night, with the temperature falling to 28.7 degrees at 3.13am. There have only been two nights hotter, the hottest of them on February 1, 1902, when the low point was 30.5 degrees.
Lifesaving Victoria's Guy Britt said people had been shunning beaches during the day because it was too hot. Instead, they descended from 6pm until late into the night.
More than 70,000 people flocked to the state's beaches on Wednesday night, prompting a call to lifesaving volunteers to patrol beaches and put up flags on the heatwave nights. More than 30 clubs responded.
In the city's meltdown yesterday, the air-conditioning at the DFO outlet in Spencer Street failed, forcing many shops to shut and send staff home.
Ambulance Victoria was flat out, with 75 heat-related calls between 9am and 5pm.
The Metropolitan Fire Brigade was also under siege. Emergency calls jumped dramatically in the 24 hours to midnight on Wednesday, with 266 calls on the first day of the heatwave.
MFB and Country Fire Authority firefighters received a total of 986 calls, including multiple power pole and transformer fires as a result of the heat.
Across the border, Adelaide sweated through its hottest night on record on Wednesday, with the temperature dropping only to 33.9 degrees.
Adelaide hit 40 degrees-plus yesterday for the third day in a row. It is forecast to remain in the 40s and 30s into next week.
The extreme heat also spread to Tasmania. A high of 41.5 degrees was recorded on Flinders Island — the state's highest temperature since 1976.
On day two of Victoria's heatwave, the top temperatures were 45.8 at Avalon airport, 45.3 at Geelong airport, 44.8 at Mount Gellibrand, 43.6 at Bangalore, 43.9 at Bairnsdale and 43.3 in the Latrobe Valley.
Mildura and Albury, normally the state's hot spots, reached 42.8 and 41.5 degrees respectively.
Another blistering hot 43 degrees is predicted for today.
Melbourne last suffered through a severe heatwave in 1959, with three consecutive days of temperatures in the 40s.
This month is also set to be our second-driest January in 159 years of records. There has been only 0.8 millimetres of rain.

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