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Windows XPista?

I know what you guys want to say but this is Windows XP indeed.

Windows XPista
Windows XPista


  1. 执子之手

    What\'s this?   Is this a theme? 

    Unknown · Unknown
  2. S

    Actually, that is a customized theme but obviously you\'d have some software...

    Unknown · Unknown
  3. RH

    you know what we want to say??
    actually i want to say: Keep the background colours, nice!

    Unknown · Unknown
  4. S

    Re 荣者自荣: yes, I will keep that...

    Unknown · Unknown
  5. ECHO

    hehe,where is your cake?
    It\'s a big struggle to me to keep fit as a crazy sweets hunter:(
    maybe one day i will  give up eating any sweets coz i have eaten too much:)
    but when?  ^_^
    so,I\'m getting fatter but happier:)
    Have a nice night,thanks for reading........ 🙂

    Unknown · Unknown

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