实在是憋不住好奇,在办公室当了Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview的ISO文件,试装了一下系统。装的过程中出了点事故,本想在硬盘安装,不小心把办公网出口机之前装的Ubuntu区删了,...
Windows 8将会是下一代的操作系统,它和iOS、Android和Linux都不同,是双手剑,可以同时作为桌面系统和tablet触摸屏系统,而iOS在Mac上是桌面操作系统,在iPad上是触摸屏,Android则...
Windows 7还没走,9月13日,Windows 8又来了。粗粗的看了一下阿尔法版,感觉Windows 8就是一个放大号的Windows Phone。好看是好看,功能也一目了然,只是难以想象自己的Laptop在用这...
不能忍受i564位Win7居然不能打从前的32位游戏,想了很多解决办法,兼容性运行也不行。干脆找出了很早前下载的Sun VirtualBox,在Win7里虚拟XP!悲剧啊。
I know what you guys want to say but this is Windows XP indeed.
Windows XPista
Author: Jonathan Posted: June 07 2007
Windows Vista is the newest version of Windows. It does not only have more security features but also attracts users by its...
You don't need Vista or other cool configurations in Ubuntu to let your desktop rock 'n roll. Download this 500kb green software, you will be able to do th...
Today I tried Windows Vista RC1, the next generation operation system developed by Microsoft. I zipped all my Windows XP files and got 12GB free to install this guy. ...
Text from here.
Pretty pictures ... Vista's new-look desktop.David FlynnAugust 26, 2006David Flynn takes a sneak peek at the new versions of the Windows and Mac OS X o...