标签: Windows XP


不能忍受i564位Win7居然不能打从前的32位游戏,想了很多解决办法,兼容性运行也不行。干脆找出了很早前下载的Sun VirtualBox,在Win7里虚拟XP!悲剧啊。 VirtualBox VirtualBox VirtualBox 一不做二不休,干脆连本来装载另一个挂点的Ubuntu也一起虚拟了吧,这样切...

Windows XPista?

I know what you guys want to say but this is Windows XP indeed. Windows XPista

How to Change Windows XP theme to Windows Vista theme

Author: Jonathan  Posted: June 07 2007 Windows Vista is the newest version of Windows. It does not only have more security features but also attracts users by its fancy appearance. If you are using Windows XP, you may feel that your Windows XP's ap...