Dear Customer,
Congratulations, your domain name synyan.net has been successfully transferred and renewed! Please read through this mail and store it for future reference, since it contains important information on managing your domain.
Domain Name Details
Order ID: xxxxxxxxx
Domain Name: your domain
Invoice Total: USD 7.79
Expiry Date: Mon Nov 14 14:15:58 GMT 2016Managing your Domain name
You can Manage your domain name (modify the Nameservers or contact information) by logging into your Customer Control Panel. Please follow the steps below to Manage your Domain Name.Click on the link below
Login with your username and password
Whois Lookup
You can verify that your domain name is indeed transferred and renewed by checking the Whois Lookup, which will show you the domain details and expiry dates. Click on the link below to do a whois lookup on your domain name
For any support with respect to your relationship with us you can always contact us directly using the following Information.
JiaYin 香港
十年前 Google Chrome 39 · Windows 8.1S 江苏 *
@JiaYin 哈哈,你们动作都那么快
十年前 Google Chrome 31 · Windows XP兔二爷 | 理性的感性生活 香港
十年前 Google Chrome 40 · Windows 7兔二爷 | 理性的感性生活 香港
@兔二爷 | 理性的感性生活 太快了,忍不住又来赞一下!
十年前 Google Chrome 40 · Windows 7S 江苏 *
@兔二爷 | 理性的感性生活 啊哈哈,多来踩踩!
十年前 Google Chrome 40 · Android 4.4.2S 江苏 *
@兔二爷 | 理性的感性生活 赞
十年前 Google Chrome 40 · Android 4.4.2Betty 上海
@S 你要赞也是赞我吧
十年前 Google Chrome 26 · Windows 8S 江苏 *
@Betty 对你的赞已经不需付诸笔墨了
十年前 Google Chrome 40 · Android 4.4.2大肥羊 广东
恭喜发财! 😉
十年前 Firefox 35 · Windows 7S 江苏 *
@大肥羊 钱包拿来! 👿
十年前 Google Chrome 40 · Android 4.4.2an9 湖北
@S 😉
十年前 Google Chrome 39 · Windows 7S 江苏 *
@an9 感谢pass by……
十年前 Google Chrome 37 · Mac OS X 10.10土木坛子 英国
十年前 Google Chrome 40 · Windows 8.1S 江苏 *
@土木坛子 嗯是啊呵呵,倒不是因为备案问题,确实是这个主机便宜又稳定的缘故
十年前 Google Chrome 37 · Mac OS X 10.10