标签: 意面

Parnasse Pasta

中午跟ld去新开才三天的一家西餐店。佩服这位同志敏锐的嗅觉。 店面不算大,且隐藏在主街后的老房子里。据说老板是学成归来,主攻意面。 门头 门厅 小金毛太可爱了……能拐走么? 笼中小金毛 来得早,雅座没人。 雅座 桌上郁金香,雅致。 郁金香...  

Lygon Street, Paradise of Italian Food

Melbourne's Lygon Street is famous for its Italian food. Last week we went to the street and it seemed that every Melbourner was there at the moment. I never thought that there could be so much people even more than China Town. All photos were take...