分类: 生活

虎虎队~ :)


谈论 2010.02.13.除夕之夜,新春快乐

照旧的一年除夕到,照旧的鞭炮声声、歌舞飞扬、短信群发。去年完成了很多事情,今年要做的事情也很多。电视里华丽的春晚,暖和的房间。明年的春节我也要跟JAS一样扛一个好镜头好相机。:) 引用 2010.02.13.除夕之夜,新春快乐喜...





http://huofar.com/ll_tizhi.php/dotest 结果: 体质 湿热体质的主要问题是肝胆脾胃功能相对失调,尤其肝胆的疏泄功能不好。春季阳气升发,此时开始运动,是一个疏肝利胆的好时机。可以到户外放风筝,室内运动推荐瑜伽为主...











2012 Olympic Opening will still be in Beijing!!!


Beijing – 29/8/2008

From my Chinese friend, rumour says that LOC (London Olympic Committee) Officials have announced that because of the significance and outstanding of 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening and Closing, London is considering giving up the next Olympic Opening, to save next Olympic’s tight budget. After urgent internal meeting, IOC (International Olympic Committee) president announces that, the next Opening will still be in Beijing! The news immediately knocks down all Beijing local officers, martial police soldiers, volunteers and city councilors. To make it worse there is no paramedical service because all doctors and nurses in Beijing faint as well. Angry Beijing police staffs are preparing to raise a million-people demonstration to protest IOC’s silly decision. One policeman bursts into tears in front of Bird’s Nest (site of Opening Ceremony) and says, “I’ve been working extremely hard in the last seven years since the announcement of Beijing’s success in 2001, and now I am expected to overwork another four years? That will definitely lead to my tomorrow’s suicide…”


China Sichuan earthquake humor

  1. “On 12 May before the earthquake, my auntie was playing mah-jong with three other old ladies. Then suddenly she found that the table was shaking. She cried, ‘No play! Run!’ Another lady calmly said, ‘No panic. Play another round!'”
  2. “When the earthquake hit us, one guy lived downstairs lifted a 29 inch TV with hands and quickly ran out!!”
  3. “Four old women were playing mah-jong, suddenly the table began to shake. They quickly ran out, found some hardboard, then came back and inserted under the legs, then continued to play!!!”
  4. “A doctor was preparing an injection for a middle-aged man. Then he felt the bed was shaking. He said, ‘Hello, big guy? Don’t be afraid of a small injection!'”
  5. “I was at the construction site. I found my computer was shaking. I shouted, ‘Fuck it, tell the driver of road roller do not drive so quickly!’ Nobody listened to me. Then I ran out with angry but found out that it was an earthquake…”
  6. “Students of Sichuan university (500km away) were having classes. When the earthquake stroke, students began to run out. The old professor said, ‘Don’t panic, sit down! I have to count the rate of attendance first!'”
  7. “I was having telephone conversation with my friend. Then I felt the ground was shaking. I calmly told him, “An earthquake!” He said calmly, ‘Gua-le (Then Hang up)!’ In Chinese Gua-le also means ‘BE DEAD’!”
  8. “A friend told me that when earthquake hit the area his dog was still sleeping, not like neighbor’s dogs who were barking. After the earthquake he kicked the useless dog out!”
  9. “When earthquake, our Japanese teacher who was used to the earthquakes in Japan calmly told us to hide under the tables, then after 5 mins shaking he continued to teach Japanese! Our school head who had assembled all teachers and students on the safer playground counted the numbers, then said, ‘Shit, where is the Japanese class!’ At last he found that we were still in the classroom…”
  10. “The television broadcastered an old man who was being rescued by Russian team from the ruins. When he was out he looked around and said to people, ‘This earthquake is so bloody powerful! I am in Russia now!!!!'”
  11. “I’ve never been to an earthquake. That day I was walking in the streets toward the Telecom shop to pay my telephone bill, suddenly I saw a group of people ran out from the Telecom shop, I thought, ‘Shit! A robbery!'”
  12. “My friend was in the toilet room. She suddenly felt her feet were shaking, she thought, ‘I am not good. No wonder why my feet are shaking! I need more gyms!'”
  13. “An old engineer in my company, ran from 13th floor to 11th floor, then said, ‘Damn, the computer was on!’ He returned and turned it off! The next day he was praised by our boss, but was told, ‘Thank you, but please don’t do that again!'”
  14. “My friend’s old dad lived in 6th floor. He was standing near the window when the earthquake took place. He looked as if he was enjoying for a moment then said to his wife, ‘Darling, come here quickly! The big water tower was shaking like a hula-ring!’ His wife at that time was groveling and was too afraid to either speak or stand on the floor…”
  15. “I was testing a new car for my friend. We turned on the air conditioner then felt the car was shaking heavily. My friend said, ‘OMG, this car is a piece of shit! Just turning on air conditioner can make it shake! I need to talk with the sales manager and refund immediately!'”


想不到周末了,忙得团团转,居然连上Space的时间都木有…快下班了又来一个炸弹:货代在德国发错集装箱了!幸好全都在下班前圆满解决了,尤其是澳洲货款被银行搞丢一事,忙乎了3天了,客人昨晚急得一宿没睡,我之所以知道是因为我也子夜才睡…今天终于到了,大家都松了口气,可以欢度周末鸟… –From my Nokia N97 mobile.


状态帝 : 春哥之后的又一防挂科神作——挂柯南,挂科难。如果你有科比的海报,就别挂柯南,否则“不挂科比挂柯南”;单独使用科比海报亦可,因为“挂科比不挂柯南”!

状态帝 : 据说《阿凡达》在日本被译为《阿凡雅灭达》;在韩国被译为《阿凡斯密达》;据说在意大利《阿凡达芬奇》;在俄罗斯被译为《阿凡达夫斯基》;在香港被译为《阿凡达明一派》;在印度被译为《阿三凡达》

状态帝 : 我用一麻袋的钱上大学,换了一麻袋书;毕业了,用这些书换钱,却买不起一个麻袋!

状态帝 : 宅男费纸,宅女费电!

状态帝 : 《阿凡达》告诉我们:谁胯下的鸟大就听谁的。

状态帝 : 昨日,李宇春在湖南长沙发布记者会,会上首次正面回应了网络上广为流传的“信春哥,得永生”等热门词句。李宇春说:“你们信我也好,不信我也好,你们总归都要死的。”在场的许多记者都流下了感动的眼泪!

状态帝 : 同学家吃的晚饭,回家发了短信和他说“你妈的红烧肉棒极了”。结果今天手机不能发短信了。

状态帝 : 上海自来水来自海上,日照老年人年老照日,大波美人鱼人美波大,明天到操场操到天明,哥曾信佛但佛信曾哥,人过大佛寺佛大过人!

状态帝 : 考试是指行为人以强迫他人读书为目的,以书面形式摧残他人身心的行为。有以下三种情形之一的,法定刑加重:1、考试致人挂科、重修或以挂科、重修相威胁的;2、考试难度过高致人身心受损的;3、考前不划重点、不划范围、不给方向的

状态帝 : 整个学期全荒废,临近考试全心碎,一周时间全没睡,考试之前全在背,走进考场全崩溃,拿到卷子全流泪,背的东西全不考,考的东西全不会T_T

状态帝 : 丰胸的四种结果:1、大不一样 2、不大一样 3、一样不大 4、不一样大

状态帝 : 百度被黑的真相:因为伊朗兄弟上百度买火箭筒,结果被竞价排名的假货给骗了。

状态帝 : 婚期将到,国内兄弟,有钱公寓,没钱蜗居,望长城内外,大厦高楼,工地上下,人浪滔滔,早起晚睡,达旦通宵,丈母娘说:买个房子才达标。须钞票,看人山人海,一房难搞。 楼价如此虚高,引无数英雄竞折腰,昔秦皇汉武,见此摇头,唐宗宋祖,更是没招,一代天骄,成吉思汗,只好住在蒙古包!

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