作者: S


Talk about: China Imposes 3hr Gaming Limit

Recent news about China has one policy that gamers under 13 will face an anti-addiction rule that is supposed to drag them away from their Internet games. ...  

Home Management System

Believe it or not, I did one Home Management System.. (I admit that this system uses Mambo, hahaha...) Combined with MS Stylesheet, PHP and MySql...  

BlogThis for FF

Finally find this small gadget. Here it is: http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!D85741BB5E0BE8AA!985.entry?_c=BlogPart Screenshot: BlogThis  

Blogging is Becoming Easier

Alright, I have to admit that we can do blogging more and more conveniently, like chatting with this "lady" musebot@live.com..This entry generated by Muse.  

Useful Cmd to Change Default OS in Grub

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lstChange default=0 to default=whatever whatever here means the sequence of the OS yo...  

Bloody Problems Always Arise

Fxxk this bloody task! Fxxk this bloody company! And more, who designed that stupid Visual Studio that does not allow remote debugging automatically! powered by perfor...  

How We Fare In The Tek Stakes

In TheAge's Home Alone article, the author listed data on why Australian should be afriad of the Technologies. S/he said: Australian online families choose to communic...  

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