作者: S


Guns 'N Roses Chinese Democracy Tour

Hahahahaha Such an exciting event comes to Australia! This week and next follows! GUNS 'N ROSES CHINESE DEMOCRACY TOURThe Chinese Democracy Tour AustraliaBelieve t...  

Talking about walking man

Well, seeing this, I recalled when I was in univ., we used to do ANSI pictures like this.. Give an example, this is a tiger I drew in 2002. Completely drew by keyboard...  

Melbourne Cup Carnival 2007

Well, since I have been to Melbourne, I have never checked for the Melbourne Cup. The reasons are complicated. One is, I am not rich, the other is, I am toooooooo lazy… ...  

Apple - Get a Mac - Next Year's OS Today

Sharp! Quote: "Want to see what the future of personal computing looks like?” asks Computerworld's Michael Gartenberg. “Don't wait for Microsoft to show you; go out...  

The Mobile Phones I Had, Having, and Will Have

The first one, Ericsson T65, bought in 2002, when I was a poor university student.. This mobile phone is quite hard, uneasy to break. I still remember when I accident...  

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