sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup
sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lstChange default=0 to default=whatever
whatever here means the sequence of the OS yo...
Fxxk this bloody task! Fxxk this bloody company! And more, who designed that stupid Visual Studio that does not allow remote debugging automatically!
powered by perfor...
Just draft.
Finance Dollar and Cents Website
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In TheAge's Home Alone article, the author listed data on why Australian should be afriad of the Technologies. S/he said:
Australian online families choose to communic...
Lol! ^_^
Ubuntu Firefox BlogIt
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Starts from here.
Write a blog via Performancing Firefox
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Not sure if it is because of the low-speed of Optus-Net...
Different areas, like when we set Blog area in China, it'll look like a little bit wider and the character space will be different with the area in Australia.
Check t...
Check this! It is awesome (again..)!
Memo: One month ago I reflashed my mobile phone (Motorola V3x) and then it can read and write Chinese characters. But I found its ...
Check this! It is awesome! The secret documentary of 9/11 was revealed! The whole incident might be a lie! Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, and Jason Bermas bring you the most po...