刚才收到一封广告信《年代》(《The Age》,澳洲最老的报纸)的电子版,推荐“值得一去的岛屿(Fantasy islands)”。定睛一看,抬头照片赫然就是我们下个月就要去的塔斯马尼亚的Bruny Island。

Bruny Island, Tasmania.
Bruny Island, Tasmania.

Bruny Island, Tasmania


Bruny Island is made up of North and South Bruny, joined by a narrow isthmus called the Neck (where fairy penguins and shearwater mutton birds make their homes). South Bruny is renowned for its bird life. Zoologist Tonia Cochran of Inala Nature Tours conducts bird-watching and wildlife tours while Island Charters offers a boat trip to a seal colony.

布鲁尼岛由南岛和北岛组成,其间由被称为“脖子”的地峡连接。地峡是小蓝企鹅和海鸥的家园。南布鲁尼岛因鸟类栖息而闻名。Inala自然旅游的动物学家Tonia Cochran提供鸟类与野生动物游。岛上的慈善机构则提供观赏海豹群的舟行旅游。

There is no high-end accommodation, but Hiba has a self-contained cottage and Morella Island Retreats offers several options. https://www.brunyisland.com/, 1300 889 557; Hiba, (03) 6293 1456, www.discovertasmania.com; Morella Island Retreats, www.morella-island.com.au, (03) 6293 1131.


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