虽然这也算富士的基操,可这回发布的胶片模拟大有来头——Superia Reala!
According to our trusted sources (thanks!) that the new film simulation coming September 12 will be called REALA.
The Reala film stock (sold with the name Reala Ace and Reala Superia and discontinued in 2012), was a aimed at professional and enthusiast photographers and it was Fuji’s first film with 4th layer technology for exceptional color accuracy, especially in fluorescent lighting (no greenish cast). The 4th layer technology would make also the 400H film so popular.
The original film was very loved by wedding photographers and seems to be ready to make its comeback in form of a new film simulation.
Let’s hope it will find its way in as many older Fujifilm cameras as possible. But so far I have no rumors about any firmware updates in this regard
Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
FujiRumors. (2023-08-30). BREAKING: This is the Name of the New Film Simulation Coming September 12. https://www.fujirumors.com/breaking-this-is-the-name-of-the-new-film-simulation-coming-september-12
来谈谈Reala。它曾是我买过的最爱的负片之一,也是负片中仅次于Kodak Ektar第二贵的负片,印象里十多年前一卷就要¥36元之巨,要知道这可是ProPlus只要¥18元的时代,不是特别喜欢的景致可舍不得用Reala——诚然不能和现在比,如今这卷儿价格已经炒到天上去了,一卷要上百!
富士SUPERIA REALA 100专业彩色负片
在感光度ISO 100的彩色负片中,富士的SUPERIA REALA 100提供更佳的选择。在颗粒方面有突破性改良层次丰富,色彩还原准确,在放大后依然保持清晰度,是目前风光摄影中各界人士的负片首选。
S. [2009-12-24]. 富士胶卷全集. 竹炉山房. https://synyan.cn/t/293
发几张十多年前用Reala 100拍的片子,即使都是几百元的国产海鸥相机和狗头所拍,效果依旧相当惊人,毫不亚于同时代上万元的5DII无敌兔。由于批次不同,冲扫条件各异,呈现的效果略有差异,最后四张在新浜拍的最接近它的真实效果。
bigfa 广东
一年前 Google Chrome 116 · Mac OS X 10.15S 江苏 *
@bigfa 说到心坎里了,我的X系统挂机头可是14 F2.8,不过这枚镜头实在太老了……
一年前 Safari 16 · Mac OS X 10.151.4不行1.8我也会很满意,当然12 F2更好。
Justin 广东
这个新胶片模拟预设应该是只有新机型有份吧?我手上的那台 X-S10 估计是搭载不上了。
一年前 Google Chrome 116 · Mac OS X 10.15S 江苏 *
@Justin X-S10有一定可能性,不过确实不太大。
一年前 Safari 16 · Mac OS X 10.15网友小宋 河南
一年前 Microsoft Edge 115 · Android 10S 江苏 *
@网友小宋 认真使用一下的话,也是很有意思的事。
一年前 Safari 16 · Mac OS X 10.15子痕 江苏
一年前 Microsoft Edge 116 · Windows 10这胶片想起了我那朋友用胶卷的x-pan拍摄的。
S 江苏 *
@子痕 XPan好东西!还没玩过。
一年前 Safari 16 · Mac OS X 10.15风清 广东
要是 X100F 也能加入就好了。
一年前 Google Chrome 116 · Mac OS X 10.15S 江苏 *
@风清 100F或许也有戏。
一年前 Safari 16 · Mac OS X 10.15