四年前 / 时事 / 171阅 “美丽风景线” 整整找了一下午,终于找到Pelosi这个傻逼女人2019年讲的“美丽风景线”(a beautiful sight to behold)的原话了……因为难找,赶紧截屏以永久留档: Pelosi once said: "It is a beautiful sight to behold and I commend the courage of the people there for speaking out in light of China's actions in Hong Kong these days." 不过,报应来得贼他妈快: A supporter of US President Donald J. Trump sits on the desk of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, after supporters of US President Donald J. Trump breached the US Capitol security in Washington, DC, USA, 06 January 2021. Protesters stormed the US Capitol where the Electoral College vote certification for President-elect Joe Biden took place. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO A view of a note left by a supporter of US President Donald J. Trump on the desk of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, after supporters of US President Donald J. Trump breached the US Capitol security in Washington, DC, USA, 06 January 2021. Protesters stormed the US Capitol where the Electoral College vote certification for President-elect Joe Biden took place. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO Supporters of US President Donald J. Trump stand inside the office of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, after supporters of US President Donald J. Trump breached the US Capitol security in Washington, DC, USA, 06 January 2021. Protesters stormed the US Capitol where the Electoral College vote certification for President-elect Joe Biden took place. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO 美爹救不了你们了吧? "Liberate Hong Kong from Trump" is a dream. 还是联合国外交官兼人权活动家穆罕默德·萨法一针见血啊: US invade US to liberate US 如果美国看见美国在美国干的事情,美国将侵略美国以从美国的暴政中解放美国 # 写于四年前,改于二年前。 0 美国总统 6 Sherry 北京 2021-01-11 希拉里的想法成真了。 Google Chrome 87 · Windows 10 S̆̈ 江苏 2021-01-11 @Sherry让风暴更猛烈些。 Safari 14 · Mac OS X 10.15 灯行 河南 2021-01-12 @Sherry是佩洛熙吧?反正也是两个老妖婆之一。 Microsoft Edge 87 · Windows 7 S̆̈ 江苏 2021-01-13 @灯行貌似希拉里也曾说过支持刚度的话。所以也不算错误。 Safari 14 · Mac OS X 10.15 Betty 上海 2021-01-17 美国可 TM 会双标了 以及有人也调侃,这好像是唯一一次有国家发生暴乱问题时,背后没有美国领事馆势力介入,哈哈 Safari 14 · Mac OS X 10.15 S̆̈ 江苏 2021-01-17 @Betty啊哈哈哈,这两天在看《Yes, Prime Minister》,看看三十五年前的英国人是怎么嘲讽皿煮政治的! Safari 14 · Mac OS X 10.15 发表回复 取消回复您的邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用 * 标注评论 * 显示名称 * 邮箱 * 网站 Δ Previous 2020年最后一天 Next 改名 相关文章 2020:中美就新冠肺炎大打口水战 2020:美国有线电视新闻网社论:历史对特朗普的判决将是毁灭性的 2009:奥巴马就职典礼
美国可 TM 会双标了
@Betty啊哈哈哈,这两天在看《Yes, Prime Minister》,看看三十五年前的英国人是怎么嘲讽皿煮政治的!