Health experts say it's not too late to slow the virus, pointing to China - where the number of new reported cases has dropped to less than a hundred per day - as an example of how to stem the spread.
But even US officials, who originally worked to stop the virus through travel bans and quarantines, acknowledge that it may be time to move past efforts to contain it completely.
"It's fair to say that as the trajectory of the outbreak continues, many people in the United States will at some point in time either this year or next be exposed to this virus," said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the Centers for Disease Control's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, in a recent call with reporters.
And while a majority of cases will be mild, "there's a good chance many will become sick."
H.Pettersson,B.Manley,S.Hernandez. (2020-03-15). Tracking coronavirus' global spread. CNN.


青山 江西
五年前 Google Chrome 80 · Windows 10S 江苏 *
@青山 因为是欧式民主,也就是谁也不做主。
五年前 Firefox 73 · Mac OS X 10.15yelin 日本
@S 手动点个赞
五年前 Google Chrome 79 · Windows 10S 江苏 *
@yelin 你若发明了机器人我就同意你自动点赞。
五年前 Firefox 74 · Mac OS X 10.15非礼勿言yelin 日本
@S 哈哈,这是要开通VIP接口嘛~
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