Guys, I want to tell you I bought a transformer toy - the Optimus Prime - today, in Kmart Chadston, spent A$69.95, was nealy killed by my girlfriend... This toy is really a complex one as I spent at least one hour to transform it from robot mode to vehicle mode. Who said it is suitable for age 10 kids??? Anyway, finally I threw away that stupid instruction sheet and finished the transformation depended on my own childhood instinction. Well, it can explain two things: First, I am still a kid; And second, my IQ is still below age 10 kid's...Which is probably below the testing result (IQ: 140) I did one year ago.
The reason why I bought this transformer comes from 17 years ago, when I was in grade four in primary school, one of my schoolmates bought five transformers, which could combine together and turn into a huge guy. At that time the transformers toys were really expensive to me. I could not afford that, so my wish was when I grew up I would buy some really cool stuffs. Now it becomes real.
The Optimus Prime above is different to the one we see below, that is because the one I bought is the upgraded Optimus Prime robot. It is different from the one we will see in the next week's movie Transformers too.
Anyway, again, let me omit this crap and show you some real photos.

The instruction sheet is useless...
Optimus Prime robot mode vs toy truck.

Video: it flashes when the robot head comes out.
Video: the horn.
Optimus Prime is a fictional commander of the heroic Autobots and the main protagonist from the Transformers universes. He has become the most recognizable Transformer of the series.
Optimus Prime[EB/OL]. Wikipedia.
十八年前 Unknown · Unknown上次你说起什么“希特勒玩游戏”的时候,我来过这里,但是觉得怪怪的.
Re 荣者自荣:嘿嘿,居然被你发现了!那个第一代的玩具,做工是很好的!我记得小时候我有个小朋友,有五个“挖地虎”(就是五个绿色的小变形金刚,翻斗车、挖地机……等等,五个,每个都可以变形,然后五个合起来,就是一个大的机器人!太酷了。那时是1990年,人民币¥200!那时候的人民币很值钱的……把我羡慕的不行……)这个所谓“私密空间“,开创的时候的确是个私密的空间,不过随着一年前开放,也就不能作为”私密“空间存在了,倒是作为了英语练笔的地方,每天都会写些小感想,生活感悟什么的。之所以没有领导的足迹,主要是觉得这个小破地方都没人气,无法彰显ymsw的领导才华和神出鬼没的英语语法,所以也就不屑了。更隐秘的空间倒是没有了……我管得来这么多么……另:长得容祖儿……不是吧……我知道我从小就长得俊,但也不至于长到跟女星一样……
十八年前 Unknown · Unknown执子之手
十八年前 Unknown · Unknown不过,可能是跟记忆中的差别很大,有点不适应,看着有点……难看。。。 🙂
Re 执子之手:这是领袖级擎天柱啊,就是被五面怪升级以后的擎天柱,所以看上去更加强壮了,所以跟以前的版本有所不同。
十八年前 Unknown · Unknown执子之手
五面怪?好熟……是不是那个长的像章鱼,老是喜欢玩face off的气球?
十八年前 Unknown · Unknown