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How to install fonts in Ubuntu

Running a few simple commands helps you to install fonts in Ubuntu.

The different ways of installing Fonts on Ubuntu are described below.

  1. Installing fonts for single use
  2. Installing fonts for systemwide use
  3. Installing Microsoft Windows Fonts (eg Times New Roman)

Installing fonts for single use

1) Using kfontview

* An easy way to install fonts is using kfontview. Run the command given from command line.
* Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal
* Run the command        apt-get install kcontrol
* After the installation process is completed, run command $kfontview.
* From the kfontview window, open the font you have downloaded. Click on the "Install" button. NOTICE: You will probably need to resize the window to see the "Install" button which is in the lower right hand corner. Click on the "Personal" button

2) By hand

* If a font doesn't exist create it. First create a font's directory
mkdir ~/.fonts
* To copy font from command line
cp [font file] ~/.fonts
* To copy all fonts from myfonts folder
fc-cache -f -v ~/.fonts

Installing fonts for systemwide use

* Make a root directory
mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts
* Copy the font(s) into the newly created directory
cp [fonts] /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts
* To Run
fc-cache -f -v

Installing Microsoft Windows Fonts (eg Times New Roman)

* Make sure you have the "universe" repository added. If not, as root, modify your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the deb line which will look something like this
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe
* Updata apt-get
apt-get update
* To Install run the following
apt-get install msttcorefonts

# 写于十七年前,改于五年前


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