Running a few simple commands helps you to install fonts in Ubuntu.
The different ways of installing Fonts on Ubuntu are described below.
- Installing fonts for single use
- Installing fonts for systemwide use
- Installing Microsoft Windows Fonts (eg Times New Roman)
Installing fonts for single use
1) Using kfontview
* An easy way to install fonts is using kfontview. Run the command given from command line.
* Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal
* Run the command apt-get install kcontrol
* After the installation process is completed, run command $kfontview.
* From the kfontview window, open the font you have downloaded. Click on the "Install" button. NOTICE: You will probably need to resize the window to see the "Install" button which is in the lower right hand corner. Click on the "Personal" button
2) By hand
* If a font doesn't exist create it. First create a font's directory
mkdir ~/.fonts
* To copy font from command line
cp [font file] ~/.fonts
* To copy all fonts from myfonts folder
fc-cache -f -v ~/.fonts
Installing fonts for systemwide use
* Make a root directory
mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts
* Copy the font(s) into the newly created directory
cp [fonts] /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts
* To Run
fc-cache -f -v
Installing Microsoft Windows Fonts (eg Times New Roman)
* Make sure you have the "universe" repository added. If not, as root, modify your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the deb line which will look something like this
deb dapper universe
* Updata apt-get
apt-get update
* To Install run the following
apt-get install msttcorefonts