Lol, don't worry, you will overcome. We had been through all these in the last five years and we got used to it.

From historical lessons, M$ product is too big to perform good testing, mainly because it involves so many old users profile across contenients & locales and distributed servers

So from the bright point of view, just wait a few days then you will see all good...


微软 你就是个事儿妈!

If you ever want to release a product, make sure you’ve gone through adequate testing and debugging procedures.

Leaving the pain with your business users is just not what we call professionalism.

No wonder your name is:  Micro & Soft !

共有 9 条评论

  1. 紫色秋韵

    just wait a few days then you will see all good...waiting................... and will see all good.........................waiting...............

    十五年前 Unknown · Unknown


  2. Wenjun


    十五年前 Unknown · Unknown


  3. 佩佩

    just wait a few days then you will see all good...

    十五年前 Unknown · Unknown


  4. S


    十五年前 Unknown · Unknown


  5. Beya

    瓦 现在不能评论就只能开博回复了

    十五年前 Unknown · Unknown




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