标签: MSN Space


对于很多人来说七牛是可有可无的一项服务,特别是比较新的站,没有历史包袱,买的空间也是白菜价,但像老虎这样的老站,2010年前很多图片在MSN File Store上(目测有:storage.msn.com、blufiles.storage.msn.com、byfiles.storage.msn.com、stojng.bay.livefilestore.com等多...


自从2004年从水木清华博客搬家到MSN Space博客,又在2010年从MSN搬家到WordPress.com,又在2011年搬到自建站,陆陆续续的搬家留下不少后遗症,比如不少图片还挂在MSN的图床里,另外一些图则挂在WordPress.com,以至于很多图要么不显示要么显示得有如十年前的水准。晚上用了下...


第3052位用户。2001年7月,去上海五角场新东方学校读GRE,住在同济大学高中同学的宿舍。29日晚1时35分36秒,听说微软对中国用户开放了hotmail,便申请了我第一个hotmail,从此开始了MSN的生涯…… MSN ten years


今天去MSN旅游文化频道应试版主,写了一堆话比如: 1、申请者已有自己的Space;是。http://synyan.spaces.live.com2、申请者热爱Space,并对此有深入的了解和认识;是。从2005年到现在,我一直在space辛勤耕耘。其间虽然有过很多其它服务商的blog,但是最终还是扎根于space...


上榜文:《疯狂的Camping》。作为一个刚创立两星期不到的博来说,还是比较难能可贵的…… 只是不知道微软脑子在想什么,新改版(是的,又改版了……)以后的首页很难找到社区,要不是我留了bookmark的话都根本找不到。猜测是因为微软的老外都不喜欢(?)在首页面放置容易招来...

Quite Weird, Different Blog Areas With Different Interface

Different areas, like when we set Blog area in China, it'll look like a little bit wider and the character space will be different with the area in Australia. Check the screenshots below: Chinese - Zh ("Zhongwen", or Chinese language) Australia...

Welcome to Synyan's Personal Space!

This is a test msg from my mobilephone. From now on I will frequently publish blogs either via the phone or directly on PC. Anyone who can see this text means you are absolutely my friend, because i have set the permission. At last, WELCOME AND ENJOY YOURS...

Something is wrong with the MSN Space:

I think the effect of the MSN Space has not been set correctly. This is a problem of LOCALE. For example, the zh-CN looks different with en-AU. Have a look at the "Profile" Module, you can see that in Chinese Version the "Profile" Module is wider than E...

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