对于很多人来说七牛是可有可无的一项服务,特别是比较新的站,没有历史包袱,买的空间也是白菜价,但像老虎这样的老站,2010年前很多图片在MSN File Store上(目测有:storage.msn.com、blufiles.storage.msn.com、byfiles.storage.msn.com、stojng.bay.livefilestore.com等多...
自从2004年从水木清华博客搬家到MSN Space博客,又在2010年从MSN搬家到WordPress.com,又在2011年搬到自建站,陆陆续续的搬家留下不少后遗症,比如不少图片还挂在MSN的图床里,另外一些图则挂在WordPress.com,以至于很多图要么不显示要么显示得有如十年前的水准。晚上用了下...
MSN ten years
1. Under edition mode, when user clicks Home (like "http://johnsmith.home.services.spaces.live.com/"), he is shown his own home page, that is good. However people get confused about if he should be directed to his home page or the home...
1. Muse
2. Live Writer
Live Writer
3. Email publishing via mobile phone
4. Traditional login
Windows Live
5. MSN Messenger
MSN Messenger
Different areas, like when we set Blog area in China, it'll look like a little bit wider and the character space will be different with the area in Australia.
Check the screenshots below:
Chinese - Zh ("Zhongwen", or Chinese language)
This is a test msg from my mobilephone. From now on I will frequently publish blogs either via the phone or directly on PC. Anyone who can see this text means you are absolutely my friend, because i have set the permission. At last, WELCOME AND ENJOY YOURS...
I think the effect of the MSN Space has not been set correctly. This is a problem of LOCALE. For example, the zh-CN looks different with en-AU.
Have a look at the "Profile" Module, you can see that in Chinese Version the "Profile" Module is wider than E...