标签: MSN

MSN 2.0防护盾

是MSN中国和金山联手推出的产品,最实用的功能莫过于裕作这样的IT专业人士也不知道的这个功能: MSN 2.0防护盾 下载地址:http://im.live.cn/safe/ 目前看来只有中国用户接到了通知,因为安全问题多多吧,在中国发骚扰短信是不会被判刑的。 当然,也要感谢金山。 ...


按:现在gaim已经进化成了pidgin,最新版是pidgin-2.5.8,直接支持所有内容。也就是说,把下文中的所有gaim换成pidgin来读就行了。Google一下去下载。 这里有个链接,华军软件园上的,经验证可靠:pidgin-2.5.8。Pidgin的Pidgin encryption 3.0插件参见这里。 保护隐私 ...

永远爱中国!(Love China Forever)

刚才看到大家都在自发组织,把MSN昵称更改成(L)China,于是尽管不太上MSN,还是上去打算改一下。一上不得了,一堆msg发过来让我改。再一看不得了,90%的朋友都改成了爱中国,而且这些朋友的平均学历均在本科以上。 这就是血浓于水。民族主义不是那么糟糕的事情,国歌唱得好...

Change Your Nick to Love China Forever

Just saw so many friends changed their cyber names to (L)China (Love China). Nobody, or no government nominates them to do so. These people are all over the world and 90% of them have bachelor's degree. Love China Forever Just now some people on YouT...

MSN Shell, Cool Stuff~

I have to admit that the MSN Shell, which is a free software supported by many people, is as cool as you can imagine. The first feature I most like is the multiple threads. That means you can login as multiple users, which is not supported by current MS...