标签: Microsoft


第一部诺基亚Windows Phone产品问世 更近一步作者:Kai Oistamo 和 Andy Lees 2011年04月21日, 星期四 经过十周紧锣密鼓的工作,今天我们很高兴地向大家宣布:诺基亚和微软已签署了最终协议,将建立起一个全新的全球移动生态系统。我们双方齐心协力,能够在如此短的时间里从意...  

谈论 微软 你就是个事儿妈!

Lol, don't worry, you will overcome. We had been through all these in the last five years and we got used to it. From historical lessons, M$ product is too big to perform good testing, mainly because it involves so many old users profile across con...  


昨天开始不能登录space。我还以为是因为转了富士康的贴被河蟹了,正打算先把楼下富士康的帖子改改好,迎合天朝的口味争取“宽大处理”,结果今天在家猪blog看到: 网友 洋洋发表:喔,你的停电还有希望恢复,5月后的windows live空间,即将被封,这回他们玩真的了,是永久被封...  

Microsoft Surface Computer

Have you seen the latest super computer designed by Microsoft? Here it is. Note that I should not say computer because that one is actually not a normal computer! It is a "Surface Computer"! Well, one question to ask you fellows: Have you seen t...  

The Age: Microsoft sets price for Zune

Today a friend assigned me to buy an iPod Nano II, while Microsoft announced the future price for Zune... Microsoft sets price for ZuneSeptember 29, 2006A Microsoft portable Zune media player is shown during a demonstration of the device.Microsoft says ...  

MSPaint is Sick but Powerful

I have to admit that there are always talented people in the world. THIS PICTURE WAS CREATED ON YES THAT SHITTY FREE MS PAINT SOFTWARE ON ALL OF YOUR PCS URL: http://www.circuitsboard.net/tech-news/art-via-m-paint "A drawing that i used mspain...  

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