

不能忍受i564位Win7居然不能打从前的32位游戏,想了很多解决办法,兼容性运行也不行。干脆找出了很早前下载的Sun VirtualBox,在Win7里虚拟XP!悲剧啊。 VirtualBox VirtualBox Vi...


本来只是试着玩一下新版Ubuntu 11.04,结果好玩的很,装了虚拟光驱后我多点了几下忽然就发现已经在Win下直接装好了双系统我晕,连格式化都不用哒?现在Linux也会抢生意的嘛。 速度自然是...

Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) Beta 3

我对Ubuntu桌面版一直是很fan的,从5.0版跟到现在。今天看到Ubuntu 11.04发布Beta3了,很是欢喜,但是小小的笔记本没空间了,乃至想格式化硬盘了都。(冷静,冷静啊!) 因此先当了一个i...


模板在/usr/share/gnome-background-properties/cosmos.xml 进去后看见一个文件标签,实际的XML代码在/usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/background-1.xml 此模板就是默认桌面的动态组图...

Ubuntu 9.10安装配置eclipse、subclipse、m2eclipse(转)

eclispe 3.51安装: sudo apt-get install eclipse 整完会在应用程序中多出来一项“编程”。 此时的eclipse是以自带的jre来运行的,后面的maven插件会要求eclipse在jdk里运行,而不...


没有光盘可以,只要有USB插口和1G的U盘就行。经鄙人实践总结经验如下: 一、当然是先到 下载最新版的Ubuntu Linux的iso镜像啦(喜欢RedHat、Fedora……的朋友自行下载)...

How to install fonts in Ubuntu

Running a few simple commands helps you to install fonts in Ubuntu. The different ways of installing Fonts on Ubuntu are described below. Installing fonts for single useI...

Change Resolution in Fedora

Solution ONE: About the resolution problem, its usually something to do with your refresh rate. xorg uses the information provided about your monitor in the xorg.c...

Play RM under Ubuntu 7.04

Actually it works for Ubuntu 6.10 too. Thanks to this guy who offers the solution. sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-* sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs mjpegtools f...