标签: Java

更新了Show UserAgent插件中的ip2c地址

因为Show UserAgent插件作者已经三年没有更新该插件,且所使用数据库中的ip地址ip-to-country.bin是2012年的,因此终于不能忍受过期的数据,今天将其更新了。 想不到还挺麻烦,不是说网上直接下载一个ip...  

CSE5910 JAVA: 60% Finished..

This morning I went up quite early but with a headache. Then I went to the lib and printed my asnmt for CSE4500. When I had it bounded, I met Frank. He looked nice. I am happy that he is bett...  

A Bad Design Today. Damn Java!

Today I submitted a Java assignment. I think it is, at least, not bad. However, the result made me quite sad: In 2hrs consultation time, I was unable to access the data in the ArrayList that ...