Original articleBy Jason Hiner | July 19, 2011, 2:00am PDTThere’s a lot to like about Google+ and it has the potential to make a major impact on the future of the Internet. After just two weeks in closed beta, it already has 10 million ...
今天真是好新闻不断,Google+(Google Plus)也上线了。这是谷歌挑战社交网络的一种尝试。兴冲冲的跑去一看,负载过重……
不过我们还是能留下自己的email的不是吗?不过有个坏消息是,NYDailyNews宣称:《New Google social media platform ...
Microsoft buys Skype for $8.5 billion; creates new business divisionBy Mary Jo Foley | May 1...