标签: Assignment

Programed a Whole Day..

Too tired, although the 5910 JAVA still hasn’t finished.

This morning I got up early. The afternoon was also good, I did hard programming. But tonight I wasted a lot of time. 🙁

Now it’s 2:58am, I think I might not be able to get up early tomorrow.

Anyway, I should do my best, especially during the last period b4 exam.

Out of the Depth of Misfortune Comes Bliss

Things are getting better. This afternoon, after a hard studying on Global Software lecture notes and reading some i18n articles published on line, I had a few ideas on the asnmt. It is not so hard as I thought on the morning. So, now, I have confidence.

Another gd news comes from CSE4500, a XML subject. According to the subject homepage, the final exam will mainly have multiple choices, along with 4 short answer questions that are worth 40 percent. This is good, because in the unit test the DTDs, Namespaces and other XML staffs had been tested. It is not necessary to test them again. This is exactly what I thought. I am happy that Maria the lecturer thinks the same way.

“Out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss.” It’s a Chinese idiom with Eastern wisdom and dialectics. After all these sufferings, it comes the down of sunrise.

Wanna Get a HD, But Failed..

This morning I met Wojtek and showed the last improvement of previous asnmt, to see if he can give me some extra marks. Although the program ran perfectly, he still didn’t give me a High Distinction because I think he may not really want to change any marks that has been a “fact”. Sh*t, I spent at least 2hrs on that yesterday!

Now I decide to rush to a friend’s home to begin my second one, having a list of reasons to do so.

God bless me!

Man in Hell..

I cannot bear it! Jesus Christ, these days I am like in a hell. The FIT Monash is really a hell for us postgraduate students, especially when we are in semester 3. This semester is totally a disaster to me, because I chose two hard JAVA units. OMG, the assignment is soooooooo awful! Besides, there are so many assignments for me to due. I cannot believe it. Btwn April and June I handed and will hand in eight assignments along with other unit tests. They are:

  • April 30, CPE 5002 Individual Assignment (Very easy, done in a couple of hrs)
  • May 6, CPE 5020 Assignment 1 (done after two weeks haaaaaaaard work, day after n9, and got a Distinction. Could be higher, but I was really content with this mark. Thks God!)
  • May 9, CSE 4500 Assignment 2 (done with Frank in lab, did not sleep for a whole n9)
  • May 11, CSE 4500 Unit test
  • May 20, CPE 5002 Group assignment (done with two other guys, day and n9 in lab, wrote a 3800 words report and finally got a High Distinction)
  • May 27, CPE 5002 5000-words Final Report (done in last week, wrote 7800 words, much more than expectation. Hope the tutor will not mind that!)
  • May 30, CSE 4500 Technical Paper (done by yesterday, reviewed today. Looks good, will hand in it tmrw)

Unbelieveable, I did so many tasks! 😮

In future, there will be:

  • June 3, CPE 5002 Final Unit Test (not hard, but still need lecture notes reading)
  • June 6, CPE 5020 Assignment 2 (about JAVA Servlet, haven’t begun! Jesus, I really want to kill myself!)
  • June 6, CSE 5910 Assignment (another JAVA, now in progress, finished 60%. Hope I can finish it b4 this Wednesday!)

And then, comes storms of final exams…

  • June 9, CSE 4500 Exam (Can be a disaster, since I have only 2 days in reviewing. Need hard work!)
  • June 14, CPE 5020 Exam (Another disaster. Hope I can pass it by)
  • June 23, CSE 5910 Exam (Not easy, but fortunatelly, there are at least 8 days for me to review)

What a Bloody Life! 🙁

Nowadays the only motivity for studying in my heart is to fly back China at the end of June and have a couple of gd days…

A Bad Design Today. Damn Java!

Today I submitted a Java assignment. I think it is, at least, not bad. However, the result made me quite sad: In 2hrs consultation time, I was unable to access the data in the ArrayList that should be implemented within the Manager Class. That made my score half. However, I was destined to get this score. Although this score does little to my final score, it does mean something towards my studying. These days I’ve been spent too much time on publishing blogs and watching the TV-video “Wudi The Great Han Emperor”. I should focus more on my studying, for the extremely difficulty of this semester. Anyway, with one or more months left, I will make arduous efforts. Being a loser is not as good as I think. Gonna sleep ’cause t9 I have jobs to do! As a nightshift is sad, but I have to do that, otherwise I will have no money to spend. Bloody life! Fight fight fight!! Neve give up!!!

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