标签: 音乐


电台听到这首歌,迫不及待的记录下来。两位90后女生组合“房东的猫”以平静的声线与干净的曲风展现了毫不沾染烟火气的摧枯拉朽的心灵力量。 虽然唱法并无技巧,但追逐利益的世人与污秽的社会不正缺少这样简单、朴素的力量吗?


刚好及格而已,还好还好。有兴趣的测一下。 http://wiwistudio.com/musictest/ music score

Lonely Southern Hemisphere

A famous Chinese song. I translate it into English. Note I changed the title. The original one is Lonely Northern Hemisphere. 🎵欧得洋 - 孤单北半球 You have breakfirst with my "gd nite"Remember put my missing in piggy bankSeeing constellations all acr...

The Shape of My Heart

Have you seen "Leon". He is a hit man, yet he has a shaped heart. I doubt most you have seen that, but if you have not seen that movie, you'll never know what I feel now. 🎵Sting - The Shape of My Heart He deals the cards as a meditation And those he ...