标签: 枪击案


昨日,美国康涅狄格州一所小学14日发生重大枪击案,造成包括枪手在内的近30人死亡,其中大多数为儿童。 新华网美国康涅狄格州纽敦12月14日电(记者刘莉)美国东部康涅狄格州的纽敦是座宁静祥和的小镇。然而很难想象,就在这样一个偏僻的美国小镇,14日发生了震惊全世...  

Suspect undergoes surgery

So, the bad guy was finally arrested, by, handed himself in. Well, the police force of Melbourne has been praised for "being very calm, cool and collected in the actions they took post the horrific killing that occurred in the centre of Melbourne". Hang...