标签: 智商


虽说这种网络IQ智商鉴定测试多如牛毛,但是又一次验证自己仍然是天才的感觉还是很良好滴哈哈。 智商测试 p.s. 有几题数列是真心难,2分钟解不出来就直接跳过了。不过我想只要再花些时间,估计分数还能提高一点……

The Classic IQ Test

A MUST TEST YOU SHOULD DO! Some of the questions are really hard, especially those verbal/gramma/words questions, like GRE I did previously. I get 129 out of 140. Sorry, I let you disappointed. I am not a super genius as I thought... The Cla...

IQ Test

Having a doubt on your IQ? Go to the following website and test it! I achieved a score 146 at the age 16+. I think that's quite high, but if I'm 10yrs old now, that'll be higher. Actually I think I can answer most of the questions at my ten, with a...