标签: 开瑞坦


经过五天输液,肿胀的脚是好了,但消炎药物甲硝唑的副作用体现出来了,先是拉肚子(还以为是吃坏了),然后是干咳(还以为是感冒了),现在是全身荨麻疹奇痒(这才惊觉不对)……好容易找了开瑞坦出来貌似效果也不大。哎总之明天赶紧找医生问问…… 🙁  

Got Urticaria :(

2005-3-15 Yesterday I got urticaria, which made my body very itchy. I knew it was urticaria because I spent 2 hours browsing on Internet to find symptons like me. Last night I couldn't sleep, for the feeling of itch is so strong. Today I came to see doc...