

等机无聊,机场里有上网,就上网玩一下。:) 价钱也很合适,两块钱半小时。 用不完的credit下次还能用。 现在先去看看是不是登机了。回头再写。




今日前往Chadstone一游,血拼若干件衣服(主要都是室友的)。在shopping centre吃了一个中餐馆的小笼包和葱油饼,巨难吃无比,还没有室友做的好吃。愤愤之下...


2007年9月27日 上星期六是中秋节前最后一个星期六。与David等人出去溜达了一圈。有若干照片奉上。 路上看到的广本——牌子上很清晰的用中文贴着“广州本...

News on Melbourne Cup 2007 Tickets

Melbourne Cup Tickets are selling extremely fast so far. Unfortunately I could not make to go to this event. Such a pity! This Saturday the Caulfi...

Lygon Street, Paradise of Italian Food

Melbourne's Lygon Street is famous for its Italian food. Last week we went to the street and it seemed that every Melbourner was there at the...

Chapel Street Shopping and Other Photos

These are last week’s Chapel Street shopping day photos. Chapel Street is famous for its varies of shops and old buildings in Melbourne. According...

Suspect undergoes surgery

So, the bad guy was finally arrested, by, handed himself in. Well, the police force of Melbourne has been praised for "being very calm, cool and c...