标签: 变形金刚




2007年7月22日 周六又买了四个。还跟朋友吵了一架。也许太沉迷tf了。不管怎样,决定以后即使买,也不要这么疯狂的买。细水长流么,毕竟朋友比tf更重要…… 废话少说,上图。 F...  


2007年7月14日 昨天又入手两个变形金刚:“晕眩(Blackout)”和“欺骗(Swindle)”。本来想买“爵士”、“铁皮(Ironhide)”,尤其是“大黄蜂(Bumble Bee)”的,怎奈跑遍shopping c...  


2007年7月7日 原文发表于《Movie Voyager Autobot Ratchet》。 同志们,今天我又堕落了一把,又买了一个变形金刚玩具——博派救护车(Ratchet),一辆悍马H2。我知道你们要说...  


2007年6月23日 还记得小时候动画片里面的擎天柱么?那个高大的汽车人!如今,在电影《变形金刚》即将上映的6月28日前,孩之宝公司抢先发售了变形金刚新一系列的玩具!今天的变...  

Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle without Honor or Humanity

The day before yesterday I reviewed Kill Bill Volume I and II. I heard that music also played in the Transformers movie 2007 when the Autobot Bumblebee chan...  

Transformers: Mudflap and Mirage in Pakenham Target

Last Sunday we went to Pakenham Target. Saw some transformers listed. There is one (Mudflap) with destroyed box which I could not decide whether to buy or not. Just l...  

Bumble Bee in Paper!!!!!

Fxxk, this is holy crap! This is amazingly genius! I have to say, I worship you, buddy! Additionally, this guy is a Chinese! Oh my god, I love you!!! Quote: MY BUM...  

Talking about Transformers Toy Quality

I've purchased 8. They are here: Ratchet, Ironhide, Optimus Prime, Swindle, Starscream, Dreadwing, Blackout and Bonecrusher The Ratchet has some problems with its b...  

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