Finally find this small gadget. Here it is:
1. Muse
2. Live Writer
Live Writer
3. Email publishing via mobile phone
4. Traditional login
Windows Live
5. MSN Messenger
MSN Messenger
Alright, I have to admit that we can do blogging more and more conveniently, like chatting with this "lady" musebot@live.com..This entry generated by Muse.
In TheAge's Home Alone article, the author listed data on why Australian should be afriad of the Technologies. S/he said:
Australian online families choose to communicate with friends and family members using email (99 per cent), mobile phone calls (92 ...
Lol! ^_^
Ubuntu Firefox BlogIt
Powered by performancing firefox.
Starts from here.
Write a blog via Performancing Firefox
Powered by performancing firefox.
It is the time to transfer all entries in this blog (http://spaces.msn.com/members/xjtuchine) to the new space that is associated with my MSN ID. The new space is: http://spaces.msn.com/members/synyan. Please update your hyperlink associated with me. Wish ...
With all guy's blogs... 🙁
The real reason is because of the obsequious Ministry of Education wanted to show sth. to the Core Party. The conference of the Party SHOULD NOT effect against us ordinary people'...