Finally find this small gadget. Here it is:
1. Muse
2. Live Writer
Live Writer
3. Email publishing via mobile phone
4. Traditional login
Windows Live
5. MSN Messenger
MSN Messenger
Alright, I have to admit that we can do blogging more and more conveniently, like chatting with this "lady" musebot@live.com..This entry generated by Muse.
In TheAge's Home Alone article, the author listed data on why Australian should be afriad of the Technologies. S/he said:
Australian online families choose to communic...
Lol! ^_^
Ubuntu Firefox BlogIt
Powered by performancing firefox.
Starts from here.
Write a blog via Performancing Firefox
Powered by performancing firefox.
It is the time to transfer all entries in this blog (http://spaces.msn.com/members/xjtuchine) to the new space that is associated with my MSN ID. The new space is: http:/...
With all guy's blogs... 🙁
The real reason is because of the obsequious Ministry of Education wanted to show sth. to the Core Party. The conferen...