
2008年7月31日-8月3日 回家第一天,家里的PC就烧了。第二天冒着台风大雨,去城里买西裤,因为皮鞋不适合国内所以全都湿了,只好又咬牙买了一双新的。再...



I am Australian


U2 Joke in Scotland

Bono, lead singer of the rock band U2, is famous throughout the entertainment industry for being more than just a little self-righteous. At a r...

How to install fonts in Ubuntu

Running a few simple commands helps you to install fonts in Ubuntu. The different ways of installing Fonts on Ubuntu are described below. In...

China Sichuan earthquake humor

Sichuan office This is a photo taken in a Sichuan company, 500km from the epicenter. We can see the humor deep inside Chinese people. Then l...