会惊觉自己曾经骄傲的绚烂青春 Onitsuka Tiger 也许只是这个龌龊垃圾桶上的一堆烟屁股。 Box Hill 而曾经以为的烂片,也会忽然觉得别有味道。 St Kilda 无论是否承认,这是成长需付出的代价。 St Kilda ...
Hermit Cottage
会惊觉自己曾经骄傲的绚烂青春 Onitsuka Tiger 也许只是这个龌龊垃圾桶上的一堆烟屁股。 Box Hill 而曾经以为的烂片,也会忽然觉得别有味道。 St Kilda 无论是否承认,这是成长需付出的代价。 St Kilda ...
4、《最新雅斯口语高分突破》,北京雅斯培训学校主编,世界知识出版社出版。编得倒也罢了,但是里面的几十页日用单词很不错,很多都是听力和口语常见字词。p90-p173,共84面作文:1、Mark Morgan 《Writing Skills For The Ielts Test》。 我个人认为,把这本书吃透了,什么北语了新东方了,全都扔掉吧!而且,最主要的,以后你根本不用背作文了!连范文、例句什么的都可以扔掉!网上下载地址点这里。下载以后立刻打印下来仔仔细细的做!一定不要偷懒哦~
第一段开头不用陈述原题,因为这是不计分的;然后是很明确的表述自己的观点,尤其是agree or disagree的题目。要注意,从一开头你就应该明白,你在做什么——你是在做一篇学术类的argument,而不是essay!也就是说,你要驳斥对立的观点,然后才能基于一些论点和论据给出你自己的argument。新东方的那个the first point…the second point…the third point…模式,根本只是列出观点,而不是争辩!那个是g类的要求!大家千万千万记住要以吵架的姿态去写,就像高考写议论文!
这里还要说明一点,无论是剑桥亚斯书还是mark morgan的作文书,你都能发现头脑风暴法(brainstorm)都是立论的首要。所谓brainstorm,就是把所有与观点相关的东西全都列在纸上,无论是con还是pro。这样写起来就绝对不会层次不明了。而且,从分论点到分支论点到论据之间的逻辑关系及其明了。关于brainstorm,’how to prepare for ielts’, ‘101 hints for ielts’, ‘writing skills for the ielts test’ 等等都给了很好的阐述我就不多说了,请大家仔细按照那个做。我在随后会列出v64到v122所有作文的分类,请大家按照brainstorm,花费不多的一个小时好好storm一番。一定获益匪浅。另外,请大家一定要从social、economy、healty等几个方面来说,外国人最喜欢了。比如造体育馆是不是必须的这样的话题,若反对,就可以说1、economy上花费巨大不划算 2、social上贫困人口还需要救济,有限资金应该花在刀口上, bla bla~
第二段,驳斥对立观点。举个例子来说,反对烟草,第一段假设你已经说了,I disagree that smoking is a correct action to the social health and the economy.,这时候你就应该说It has been pointed out that the tobacco has as many toxic materials that can do great harm to smokers as other drugs. 然后来个论据(例证法)——For example, when tobacco burns, three main poisonous materials, nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar, are found in smoke. Indeed, when people smoke, they do breathe these pernicious gases into their lungs, stomach and bloods. 然后你再阐述Then the harmful materials begin to have bad influence on their bodies and, therefore, cause a lot of diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. 然后为了表示你中肯的态度,来个转折——Smokers may argue that filtered cigarettes do less harm to bodies. Nevertheless, the filter can improve nothing. 然后是结论——So, how dare some people say it is not as poisonous as other drugs and should not be banned as illegal goods?
4、新东方听力共10 test,每2日一套test。语速很快,但是题目容易。主要问题是单词。
5、剑桥全真题2本书共四套,每5日精作一套。《how to prepare for ielts》,岔开日期每5日精作一套。
6、如果离考试还远,强力推荐每日听bbc15分钟!网上地址www.listeningexpress.com阅读:1、北语,general training(别以为我搞错了,呵呵,g类的做做玩玩还是可以的)
3、新东方学术类阅读,200页,每日1 test
4、最重要的:看新东方阅读理解辅导,要买那本胡敏和加拿大paul white、英国nevin blumer联合出版的比较老版本的,里面一开头就是考官洋洋洒洒几十页tips and hints to help you raise your score。有的朋友也许觉得里面讲的和胡敏讲得差不多,但是我个人觉得那些说得比较纯正地道,不像胡敏这么花头十足,技巧多的让人眼花缭乱。记住——抓住基本的就好了!口语:1、口语高分突破 90页
3、阅读不好的朋友可以:1)背单词 2)看书 3)掌握快速找词的能力。我这次虽然考得不好(相信是粗心的问题),但是速度是值得称道的。这里告诉大家一些小窍门(有些也是新东方等推荐的方法,其实他们也是从国外的资料上抄来的):先看题目,再做题目;看到人的名字就用三角形标记,看到地名就用方框框起来,看到数词就用圆圈起来(要注意单词形式的数词,很容易漏过。9.20号就有两个填空是说到3b.c, 5a.d.,很多朋友无法定位到,我也找了半天才发现原文是three b.c.,five a.d.这样的,很狡猾),看到一些特殊的名词尤其是和题目密切相关的比如influenza、aspirin、morphine等等就用横线划起来,年代用双划线,特殊的形容词比如acid、germany等等用波浪线。这也是外国考官推荐的办法,当然,标记符号是我常用的了。自己酌情改换。
4、小作文我已经说过了,四个基本的graph形式还是要烂熟于心,结构强力推荐mark morgan的书!《insight into ielts》 的作文部分也是可以。
至于流程图,推荐我所说的《目前最全的作文流程图》,到处都有下的,里面包含《北语预备教程》、《环球内部教材》、《how to prepare for ielts》、《101 hints》、《202exercises》的全部流程材料,不可多得。主要三个部分——描写实物、描写地址、描写过程。其中个人觉得过程最难写,比如上次9.13考的那个bt的光合作用取水,要我写我肯定晕菜。大作文之前讲得很详细了,不赘述。
7、上厕所说go to toilet就好了,千万不要说pee-pee。切忌!也切记!除非你想像我一样故意把考官逗得笑成哮喘。
v106. Tobacco is a kind of drug. people have been free to use it. some people think that it should be illegal to use it comparing with other drugs. do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion?It has long been argued these days on whether tobacco drugs should be banned. Some people may argue that it’s their right to be smokers freely because the tobacco does less harmful to human being than other drugs. However, in my point of view, i disagree that smoking is a correct action to the social health and the economy.
It has been pointed out that the tobacco has as many toxic materials that can do great harm to smokers as other drugs. for example, when tobacco burns, three main poisonous materials, nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar, are found in smoke. Indeed, when people smoke, they do breathe these pernicious gases into their lungs, stomach and bloods. Then the harmful materials begin to have bad influence on their bodies and, therefore, cause a lot of diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Smokers may argue that filtered cigarettes do less harm to bodies. Nevertheless, the filter can improve nothing. So, how dare some people say it is not as poisonous as other drugs and should not be banned as illegal goods?
Moreover, the tobacco smoke not only influences the smoker himself but also does harm to people around him. This is because the nocuous smoke diffuse in the air, pollute the environment and then make people (they may be babies, old men and pregnant women) sick, though they might feel strange on how non-smokers could catch a disease like the smokers. In fact, they are the victim or the sacrificial lambs for the smokers’ unprincipled ‘rights’.
Additionally, the economy may also be partially damaged because of the tobacco trade. Although it seems that the government could tax a lot from the tobacco industry, the harm that this industry brings to the whole economy is obvious. Despite of the welfare of the tobacco industry, the taxpayers and the government have to pay far more money on public health, especially on those cancer patients. Furthermore, other trades may also be harmed for lack of healthy workers. Hence, eventually the government would find out it is not wise to permit the tobacco industry developing freely.
All in all, the laws on banning the tobaccos should be brought into effect immediately. The tobaccos, as i have argued above, cannot be used freely because of their undisputed great damage to our social life. (390 words)
v107. Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year’s time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision. Do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion?
It has long been argued these days on whether students should go to work or have a travel to extend their vision when they just graduate from high school. Some people may consider that get a job is more useful than traveling. In my point of view, i would rather choose the latter.
The idea of travel has been accepted widely throughout the world that outdoor activity is a best way to widen one’s horizon and acquire a useful experience. That is not to say working is not essential. In fact, fundamental work experience of people is important, especially for those high school graduates. However, traveling is a much better way. Graduates, as we all know, have little time in traveling during their study time. They need a practice to carry out their book-learning. the travel, beyond all doubt, is a good way to enlarge their vision. As a result, students who are going to study biology may go to Africa to see wild animals. Obviously it can help them a lot in their future study in universities.
Moreover, the travel can encourage them to work hard. Indeed, a graduate who want to travel (especially a long way from home) has to earn a lot of money to afford his/her traveling fee. how can he/she get the money? As a result he/she would have to go working, either before or after the vocation, and would make money with his/her own hands. Some one may argue that some guys get money from their parents without working. In this case, however, I would point out that this part of students was only a very small amount amongst all.
Furthermore, it’s likely that students may get more chances to work for the communities of university because of their enlarged knowledge. Although prior work experience can bring the students a lot, it helps nothing to their future primary work. In fact, universities would want a wise economist, a keen-witted arguer and an erudite natural scientist, rather than an experienced gas station worker, a skilled washer or an excellent waiter. On the contrary, if students travel overseas they learn a lot about other cultures as well. It may influence them in their future college lives. although there is no nobleness and lowlihead amongst the jobs, we should consider which could bring a biggest profit to their university study and future career, the working or traveling?
All in all, go traveling is a good idea for those high school graduates than working. yet it’s a pity that nowadays so many people do not realize this. (433 words)
v108. Some people said the government shouldn’t put money on building theaters and sports stadiums; they should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or disagree?
The past decade saw an increase in the number of theaters and sports stadiums in cities. Accompany with this phenomenon, many people claimed that government should spend more money on medical care and education instead. To be frank, I totally agree with the above assertion either from social or economic angle.
It is undeniable that the traditional art and sports spirit stand for a national civilization. Without theaters and stadiums, they are hard to preserved and hand down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, there are many things we can do despite of the construction on these luxury buildings. For instance, the medical care, the education and humanitarian rescue for poor. In fact, there are many poors in China, especially in Western China. CCTV, the China official media, just reported a village where 75% villagers could not afford a light. Their average income per year is only about 150 USD. Hence, watching on the tv, how we these ‘richer’ dare to spend a lot of money on theaters and sports stadiums that are not quite necessary in recent years?
In fact, the social medical care in China is not efficient, and the fund of education has also been short for a long period. Actually, the money on public health and education is far less than enough. As a consequence, the retired workers and unsatisfied farmers were always claiming on the rising fees of medical care, and many people would rather go buying medicines without doctor’s direction than going to large hospitals and looking for advise. That’s rather danger. And the education fund is scarce too. As CCTV reported, many teachers’ salaries cannot be provided in Hubei for months. This did not happen only in poor Western China but also in some rich provinces such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian. Additionally, a lot of children, especially girls, have no chances to enter a primary school according to the Chinese Education Bureau’s reporting. As a result, these can lead to a significant decline of public health and education level. If we do not notice the problems in a serious manner, there would be an acute shock in the society.
Furthermore, the economy would suffer from the short of funds on education and health. The logical is simple. If we do not fund more money in education and health, it is obvious that there would be a lot of low-level well-educated workers and unhealthy poor. Therefore, the economy would have no future sight. If this really happens, the government would have to pay far more money on public health and education. So, why don’t invest on them earlier?
All in all, it is necessary and valuable for government to pay more money on health and education rather than building theaters and sports stadiums. Yet it’s a pity that even till now so many people have not realized this. (479 words)
3、南京因为是shanghai sub-test center,因此,好像考官都是些年轻的,尤其是以几个jjmm为主,可能也许对口语不利,尤其是其中某几位的口音实在是#¥·%……其中一个金发的狠sexy,因此忍不住多说了几句。实话说,有追的冲动……这里要提醒大家一句,说上厕所,就说i want to go to toilet就行了!别像我一样,被阿甘正传给害惨了(其实也是自己一知半解之故),说了个i want pee-pee,把金发妹妹给乐疯了,在考场大笑……:( 后来小心翼翼的问:“does the word pee-pee have special meaning?”她才说,“it refers to children”,估计就是“尿尿“的意思。晕。给打击坏了,上厕所竟然面对入口而不知,金发妹妹于是用中文大喊:“在……ze(这)……里……“ 再晕。又及,现在考试是从头考到尾的,考完口语的10分钟也没有了。
4、这次听力不难。只要集中注意力就能搞定。可惜,我因为第一个section 太简单,而麻痹大意……不说了。by:synyan–51ielts 阅读更容易,考完也都听大家喊容易。考官妹妹喊30min left的时候,我已经做第三篇了。
5、写作,task1写得有点%¥#¥……建议大家看看环球内部教材,关于task1的写作,有一篇地图和这次考试很类似。可惜我恰好这个类型没写……说实话,流程图三种类型,描述过程考了,描述地图也考了,就剩下描述物品没考,请大家密切关注吧。task2结构,先总起;再分论点一——给出不支持的可能理由1,再nevertheless抨击之,然后in fact段末句引出第三段;分论点二,然后给出一个可能的不支持理由2,然后however再给出反例;接着分论点三,给出支持理由;最后结论,注意段落之间适当用衔接词。但是,但是好像有语法错误……555,估计写作总分6分吧,不然这个结构7分肯定是有的。建议写作摒弃新东方模式(他的句式倒是不错),看Mark Morgan的《雅思考试写作技巧》(下载地址:这里)如果能够仔仔细细从头到尾搞完,不仅写作有醍醐灌顶的感觉,能发现大部分市面上的东西的结构都是bullshit,而且对阅读也有一定的提高。
6、口语有点磕巴,唉!主要是,一开始叫我的时候正好在厕所里(怎么尿这么多),让考官jj在门口等了一会儿。连声说sorry!总的来说讲的内容比较生动,有点引起考官jj共鸣的意思……不过不是很肯定。末了,考官说over,我夸张地说了一句:“over? it’s so quick!”考官jj说,“it’s good for you to think it’s quick.”不知是祸是福?抑或根本自作多情……(经常用眼睛电她……^o^)。
stage 1,name?hometown?studing or working?what’s your major?why you chose it?what’s your future plan?——到这里,都是有逻辑承接关系的——-然后,我晕,居然真的考到shopping,我最讨厌的题目,考前还和一妹妹说笑来着……who do the main houseworking in your family?do you often go shopping?who do the main shopping in your home?what is the difference between woman and man in shopping?(我compare了)——到这里是shopping——-do you like photography?do you have a photograph on the wall?(我晕,on the wall?不会是说长城吧?反正我说的是在我家墙上……)what’s that for?——到这里是photo。然后……——-what is the difference between the old man and younger on the attitude toward the life?(这个问题16个topic里面好像没有吧?幸好我机灵,引用了新概念里面的一段话,配合手舞足蹈,博得jj频频点头)what is the attitude of chinese toward elders?
stage 2,describe an old man you are familiar with. you should say:who he/she ishow you get to know him/herhow he/she have influence on you?(大意)16个topic里面,好像只有neighbour,没有old man……所以我现编了一段,还讲到了狗日的小日本的禽兽行径(这段是真人真事),声泪俱下,到后来说实在的自己眼眶都湿了……
stage 3然后就载进了old people topic窝了what is the difference between the younger and the old man in china?what is the main problem of china’s old men?(此问题要说三点,建议说1、健康 2、心理 3、技能)what is the main problem of old man on their job?下来的一两个就记不得了,反正我说得还凑活,尤其是我说我妈也不会用电脑引起了共鸣……感觉应该是新题。大家保重吧!
7、忘了说了,考官们的汉语都贼溜,有几个让我甚至都以为是外籍华人。因此,最好别犯忌。另外,我写了很多口语topic的东西,比如advertisement啦season什么的,都没派上用处……还有真题作文15-17篇,结构都是蛮不错的。如果考到6 7 6 7,就会发上来,到时候大家也可以参考一下,毕竟是两个月的心血~:)
刚才查网银发现怎么莫名其妙多了900刀?上面写着ATO Tax Bonus,该不是中奖了吧?我人都在中国了而且好久没跟税务局有亲密关系了都……
陆克文总理给澳大利亚人发红包了!Tax bonus计划是针对07-08财年纳税人的奖励,纳税人最多可以获得900元,钱将直接打入退税时提供的银行账户,只要满足条件如下:
3、退税单(notice of assessment)中“tax on taxible income” + “medicare levy” – “tax offsets and other credits” 的计算结果大于0。
Tax bonus
If your 2007-08 taxable income was $100,000 or less and you paid tax, you could be eligible to receive a tax bonus payment of up to $900.
The 7.6 million people who lodged their 2007-08 tax return before the end of March 2009 will receive their payment between early April and mid May 2009.
Payments are being made progressively so please be patient, we will pay you automatically if you are eligible.
Because of the large number of payments we’re making, we ask you not to call us about the progress of individual payments until after 16 May 2009.
What do you need to do?
If you have already lodged your 2007-08 tax return the Tax Office will automatically calculate your eligibility and entitlements and send your payment to you.
We will transfer the payment into the bank account or mail a cheque to the address you nominated in your 2007-08 tax return, unless you or your agent changed your details.
Unless you were granted a deferred lodgment date by the Tax Office prior to 18 February 2009, you must lodge your 2007-08 tax return by 30 June 2009 to be eligible.
You can lodge your return online using e-tax until 31 May 2009, by mail using TaxPack 2008 or through your agent. Please note that e-tax will not be available after 31 May 2009.
The Tax bonus calculator will help you determine your eligibility and estimated payment. You will need your 2007-08 notice of assessment.
For more information on the tax bonus payments call 1300 686 636.
For more information on the Australian Government’s Nation Building – Economic Stimulus Plan , visit the website.
Last Modified: Tuesday, 14 April 2009
我开始庆幸自己阴差阳错没有回到墨尔本。高温仍将持续好多天哦。从来没有过的。 我还记得之前几年最热的时候,因为澳洲大部分房子都是没有空调的,在高温的时候只好光着全身脚踩在冰水里……不过也就三两天就完了。想不到今年这么严...
很简单,去CityLink公司主页,发一个enquiry,然后他们会告诉你怎么弄。 如果懒得发enquiry,老虎我这里告诉你最快的办法,即开车去CityLink Customer Service Centre,地址:67 Lorimer Street, Southbank (Melway 2E – G1...
本打算明天去换10月快到期的中国护照,忽然发现换护照领事馆还要提供在澳洲居住满两年没有入籍的证明(见政策页)。晕,到澳洲移民局网站查了一下,有Evidence of Resident Status in Australia的164表可以下载来。但填完表不算还要...
昨天终于把梦寐的小车车开回家里。本田爵士(Honda Jazz)04款,日本产,7万6千公里,$13,500。开在路上很爽。 上周四晚偕汽车专家小犀牛去Brighton看车,试驾后很满意,卖主是个白人妈妈,非常nice,service book也很全,因此当...
2008年7月17日 一直嚷嚷着要买车上班,因此在网上看了很久后看中两辆车,一辆在Caulfield(我家附近),一辆在Thomastown(三十多公里外),周日联系好了哥们甲去看车,Caulfield那辆是犹太女人的,太烂,不中意。去Thomastown以...
市中心有Myer,是市中心最大的shopping mall,里面的东西一般,不过值得一逛。市中心swanston street和elizabeth street两侧有很多小店,可以一逛。要买当季最好的运动装,可以去市中心唐人街附近的Nike店。要买便宜的运动装,坐109路电车去smith street,满街都是打折adi、nike、converse、espirit,以及其他名牌的过季服装。另外墨尔本最繁华的购物街不是市中心,而是市中心往东,south yarra火车站下,出站后左拐的Chapel Street。(详见此文,Chapel Street Shopping and Other Photos,我以前写的英文blog),此街在上午11点到下午4点之间人最多。另外,再往东走,Chadstone Shopping Center是南半球最大的shopping mall,里面很大,不小心会迷路,坐火车到东区Caulfield Station后转900路汽车可达,因为离市中心较远,所以如果有时间就推荐去一逛。市中心唐人街有卖一些礼品,比如澳洲羊皮、澳洲薰衣草精油、以及补品。但是唐人街的货色没有在最大的华人社区、号称东区小香港的Box Hill好。如果有兴趣,可以在市中心坐Lilydale城铁线,40分钟后在Box Hill站下。(不全待续)
这里最便宜的鸡蛋是Safeway(一家大型超市,相当于国内的好买得,天润发之类)超市出的Home Brand,大概2.3刀一打。贵的所谓绿色鸡蛋要4.5刀一打。其实我也没看出有啥区别。米是有长米和短米之分。短米就和国内的一样长度,长米其实就是泰米。我一般买短米,因为营养好且容易烧熟。(据我的知识,这是一季两熟种),泰米是一季三熟,虽然短米贵。短米一般都是买sunrise的牌子。
红富士苹果,大概$4.9一公斤。kiwi fruit是65仙一个。橙汁推荐喝Daily Juice牌的Morning Fresh,5.8刀2升的。
刚出国的同志都会问IP卡。打国内个人觉得最好的IP电话卡是“家”卡(Home Calling Card) ,在各个亚洲人小超市或者“3”手机店都有售,30元面值只售22元。如果没售,就买“hello china”卡。当然如果能用Internet视频那是另一回事。国内的手机拿到澳洲来,可以从Optus、Telstra或者Virgin这些手机商零售店买Prepaid Sim Card(预付款sim卡),各个超市都有售,一般是10、30、50面值。不要去买“3”手机店的,因为是3G的手机专用,国内的用不了。机场出来以后也有卖公用电话卡,买一张10元的很有必要。
火车(城铁)、电车和汽车用统一的票(一卡通),外国游客需买全票(Full fare)。票分2小时票、日票、周末票、十次票、周票、月票和年票等几种。墨尔本交通分两个区——城区和远郊,一般称为1区(zone 1)和2区(zone 2),票价也不同,在自动卖票机(类似上海的地铁)上买的时候要看着地图买。关于怎么坐车,看下面几个case:
从飞机场出来,可以打的。要是想便宜,可以坐出站口的机场巴士(shutter bus),红色,每15min一班,坐到市中心southern cross train station,下车换乘城铁可达任何地点。VLine是去别的地方的火车(不是城铁),所以不要坐。
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