
Still Have One Unit to Go...

The last one, CSE5910 JAVA. Till now I have not completed reviewing the whole lecture notes, while there are only two days to do that. Jesus, what am I doing these days! I should not have wasted so much time in handling useles...
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Reviewing XML

After finishing the interview this morning, I went to Yapp's home. When I passed by his window, I saw him sleeping in the bed. Today is the new beginning of the life. That is because yesterday I finally submitted the last t...
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Last n9, I, again, did not sleep. I think I am becoming a superman now. Finished the last two asnmts, with each of them reaching a D to HD level, I submitted them late today. Yes, be late. For the first asnmt, unbelievable, was about 40...
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Mon. 15.Nov.2004 一早起床,穿戴整齐。今天是个大日子呢。 小熊 如往日般,每天起床第一件事,打开窗户,望望天空,深吸一口气。 今天的天,仿佛是阴沉沉的呢。 小熊 到院子里一张望,发现看到蓝天还是有希望的。 小熊 忽然就出...
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Sun. 22.Nov.2004 和朋友夜出,在唐人街吃饺子,8块钱吃得脑满肠肥。 一行人晃晃悠悠又去联邦广场喝咖啡。夜色下的墨城如此熟悉而陌生。 Federation Square Flinders Street 真郁闷,一个一个都回国过年去了,就剩下我一个了…… 🙁
摄影 生活 2 张图


今天下午,阴翳蔽日的天忽然放晴,看着窗外阳光蓝天白云与红瓦白墙盛开的花儿,忽然就忍不住拍了几张。 Sun and flower Sun and flower 嗯,春天来了! 🙂
摄影 生活 自然 2 张图