分类: 生活

Graduation Ceremony

Yesterday I attended my Master's Graduation Ceremony. This ceremony is quite a big thing to me. I was really excited when I attended this. Frank and Nikee joined the ceremony with me. I'd thank them very much. Some photos I should post here: Monash G...

The Last IELTS Test!

Today is the last time for me having the IELTS test. The difference between this one and previous two that I had is, today's test is for immi purpose, not for academic studying. Actually everyone of us think it stupid to have one test tested...

Hope I Can Get One More Day...

Too tired to do anything. Althougth found a past exam paper of CSE1202, I had no time to do it. This morning I finished doing the mock exam paper. Not bad...From the point of view of the total marks of mock exam, getting a pass is out of question, howev...

Damn It!

Inefficient today is! Reading the first 6 lecture notes, but leaving the last 5 untouched...What am I doing?! Only get one day left. Tomorrow! I should not surf the Internet immoderately. In the morning I will finish doing the mock exam! Afternoon,...

Still Have One Unit to Go...

The last one, CSE5910 JAVA. Till now I have not completed reviewing the whole lecture notes, while there are only two days to do that. Jesus, what am I doing these days! I should not have wasted so much time in handling useless issues! OK, sin...

Eventually Got a HD for the Last Asnmt of CPE5020, Oops~

Yeah, a happy news. Today I went to the tutor's room without a notice. He was just there, seemed waiting for my coming. When I saw my assignment, I was happy. Compare to the previous XML assignment, I have to say, "sigh~". This 5020 assignment, which is...

Reviewing XML

After finishing the interview this morning, I went to Yapp's home. When I passed by his window, I saw him sleeping in the bed. Today is the new beginning of the life. That is because yesterday I finally submitted the last two assignments, and ...


Last n9, I, again, did not sleep. I think I am becoming a superman now. Finished the last two asnmts, with each of them reaching a D to HD level, I submitted them late today. Yes, be late. For the first asnmt, unbelievable, was about 40 mins late. For the ...


Mon. 15.Nov.2004 一早起床,穿戴整齐。今天是个大日子呢。 小熊 如往日般,每天起床第一件事,打开窗户,望望天空,深吸一口气。 今天的天,仿佛是阴沉沉的呢。 小熊 到院子里一张望,发现看到蓝天还是有希望的。 小熊 忽然就出了太阳,真棒。想呆坐...


Sun. 22.Nov.2004 和朋友夜出,在唐人街吃饺子,8块钱吃得脑满肠肥。 一行人晃晃悠悠又去联邦广场喝咖啡。夜色下的墨城如此熟悉而陌生。 Federation Square Flinders Street 真郁闷,一个一个都回国过年去了,就剩下我一个了…… 🙁

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