

《杀手代号47》(Hitman: Code 47)曾是2000——2001年间相当红火的一个PC游戏,制作公司是赫赫有名的EIDOS。在国内玩的人不是很多,但是也是小有名气。想当年暑假里我流窜到同济大学哥们宿舍去读新东方,夜晚就在他们宿舍里通宵达旦的打《杀手代号47》。怀...
影视 电游 1 张图

Hitler Gets Banned (Chinese Version)

Well, thanks to Bowlch. This is the story of Hitlers Downfall, his final defeat against Microsoft has now pushed him over the edge.Feel free to digg: http://digg.com/videos/comedy/Hitlers...Feel free to send me video response of you...
生活 电游 0 张图

Talk about: China Imposes 3hr Gaming Limit

Recent news about China has one policy that gamers under 13 will face an anti-addiction rule that is supposed to drag them away from their Internet games. Link to China imposes 3hr gaming limit - Games - Technology - t...
时事 电游 0 张图