作者: S


Chinese Luna New Year

2005-2-6 Chinese Luna New Year, Feb.9.2005, the next Wednesday. However, I think I must be sleeping on Wed because at the night of Tue I must be working. 🙁 This yea...  

3000 Clicks In 17 Days

2005-2-5 Today it reached 13000. So there are nearly 3000 clicks on my blog from Jan.18 to Feb.5, 17 days, 176 clicks per day. That's gorgeous, isn't it? Between th...  

My Title Pictures In SMTH Blog

2005-1-25 The most pictures I love: Lotus, Eagle, Tiger and Koala. They are all from the z1010 mobile phone. Besides, some snapshots of QQ that were taken...  

Visitor Amount of My Blog in SMTH Reached 10009

2005-1-18 Here's the snapshot. I was thinking it wouldn't reach 10000 so fast 'cause I had no confidence. However, the guys in SMTH are so enthusiastic that in a short...  

Backup Site

2004-12-3 I'm going to make this blog a backup one 'cause the SMTH blog is so unstable that for a long time I have being quite angry about it. In this blog I'm...  

Got Urticaria :(

2005-3-15 Yesterday I got urticaria, which made my body very itchy. I knew it was urticaria because I spent 2 hours browsing on Internet to find symptons like me. Last...  


Wed Feb.9.2005(年初一) 恭贺新春正式版,嘿嘿。现在应该是农历新年的大年初一下午3:17分。俺上完夜班刚起床。 昨晚上班一切顺利。接班的时候俺大哥说回“家”过年吃饺子去。俺...  


Sun Feb.6.2005 版权所有,严禁转载 一分钟前看到三个高中好朋友的结婚照。 这两个都是我好朋友,男生是球友、物理实验搭档、好哥们,女生是坐在我前排的美女。两人一路磕磕...  


Sun Jan.30.2005 得得得,感到手指在不断的颤抖。现在。还好,总算到温暖的“家”了,虽然屋子里貌似一个人也没有。 今天原本是快乐的一天。中午去同学那里吃饭,饭菜很丰盛...  


Sun 16.Jan.2005 今天下午去一个朋友家玩,买了瓶红酒就直奔而去。运气不好误了一班火车,连带着误了一班汽车,等了1个小时才到。 下车,Chadstone Shopping Centre关门了,想...  

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