Yeah, a happy news. Today I went to the tutor's room without a notice. He was just there, seemed waiting for my coming. When I saw my assignment, I was happy.
Compare ...
After finishing the interview this morning, I went to Yapp's home. When I passed by his window, I saw him sleeping in the bed.
Today is the new beginning of ...
Last n9, I, again, did not sleep. I think I am becoming a superman now. Finished the last two asnmts, with each of them reaching a D to HD level, I submitted them late to...
Too tired, although the 5910 JAVA still hasn't finished.
This morning I got up early. The afternoon was also good, I did hard programming. But tonight I wasted a lot o...
Things are getting better. This afternoon, after a hard studying on Global Software lecture notes and reading some i18n articles published on line, I had a few ideas...
This morning I met Wojtek and showed the last improvement of previous asnmt, to see if he can give me some extra marks. Although the program ran perfectly, he still ...
This morning I went up quite early but with a headache. Then I went to the lib and printed my asnmt for CSE4500. When I had it bounded, I met Frank. He looked nice. I am ...
I cannot bear it! Jesus Christ, these days I am like in a hell. The FIT Monash is really a hell for us postgraduate students, especially when we are in semester 3. This s...
The "mission" is to complete a full text under Knoppix. The Knoppix, which is a powerful OS from the Linux world, is useful and awesome. Although people may prefer Red Ha...
The last CPE5002 class of this semester. I have to admit that Dr.Le is quite a professional man in this area. I wish I can have more time playing LINUX. I wish i can be h...