作者: S


Islamic Protesters in Melbourne...

They are not terrorists, they are just protesters... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1117072068  

Humanmetrics - Jung Typology Test: INFJ

The test is from here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp Thanks to Conelia Chai. HUMANMETRICS Jung Typology Test Your Type is INFJ ...  

Install Audio/Video Players for Fedora Core 5

All kinds of players, see: http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=printview&t=141267&start=30 Audio: Rhythmbox: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/...  

Project D4 Stage 1: CRON

NEED TO DO: Modify forum\includes\functions_digest_users.php and make the CRON work so the usergroup table can be stored every nite. Note that all // START mod - i...  

Project D1 Stage 1: Make It Work

First, change all /var/www/html/inmotion/melbourneunderage to D:\POST_MONASH\WebSites\AppServ\www\melbourneunderage\ Then, change all http://www...  

Summer's Bay

Several photos here.  🙂 Jalor Abel Tasman Summer street King Edward VII  

How to Auto-mount NTFS and FAT File Systems in FC5

1、Check the core type by using: [root@localhost ~]# uname -a 2、Download the latest kernel-module-ntfs package from here. For me, it’s this. 3、Install this rpm package. ...  

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