Thanks for your hardworking these days. May I remind you this new update looks really ugly?
Spaces Eco Trip hits the road (URL: http://thespacecraft.spac...
Below is the words I wrote two years ago, when I transferred the flights through Singapore Airport.
Hey guys. I am at Singapore airport again. Tomorrow I'll be at Melb...
Yesterday I bought another two. I did want to buy Autobot Jazz, Ironhide and, especially the Bumble Bee. However, they are all sold out! Shit! So finally I ...
Gentlemen, today I bought another Autobot toy, that is, the Movie Voyager Autobot Ratchet, a Hummer H2 conversion. I know it sounds a little bit childish, but I just ...
Think about it, guys. I will definitely buy a few of these computers and open a cafe bar in Shanghai some time. Really profitable.
This is my hometown! Fk up! Now every Australian is aware that my hometown is a polluted disgusting place! It wasn't like that twenty years ago! It was called paradise at...
Have you seen the latest super computer designed by Microsoft? Here it is.
Note that I should not say computer because that one is actually not a normal computer!...
First flooded, then blasted. Now people have to wear flak jacket as well as using autoboat if they want to buy foods from supermarket.
Greg Packer sits at the front of the line as he waits for the release of the iPhone at the Apple Store. Inset: David Clayman, another of the people in the queue. Photo: A...
These are the vehicles my little friend has when I was young. At that time all I could do is envy. Now I have the opportunity to afford one set. Well, althought this is n...