Solution ONE:
About the resolution problem, its usually something to do with your refresh rate. xorg uses the information provided about your monitor in the ...
BEIJING (AP) -- China has ratcheted up surveillance and security in every phase of the Beijing Olympics -- even the tickets.
In a move unprecedented for the Olympi...
The highway leading to Yingxiu, a small town near the epicenter of China's May 12 earthquake, is rent by fissures big enough to swallow a...
A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born?'
The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and ...
A very useful article that solved my Joomla problem!!
Slow Performance Joomla Using Too Many ResourcesSunday, 20 May 2007by Conan StevensJoomla slow? Not if you follow...
Published: May 21, 2008
AS tragic as the Sichuan earthquake has been, perhaps it can do some good by helping dispel a widespread myth: that the ne...
Bodies of Chinese soldiers were found. From the belt we know they belong to Air Force. Their last mission is to rescue civilians in Sichuan province. The cause of their d...
According to Xinhua News early this morning, 16,760 armymen were deployed for rescuing and searching.
At least in total 1,300 soldiers formed by the medical division s...
Her name: Maomao Wang
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