微软你是不是疯了,把自己3000万用户全赶到别家去。就算有心升级的,我承认word press更强大但是NND又要重新弄一遍主页设计,我有空啊我!!

Microsoft axes Windows Live Spaces, taps WordPress

by Ina Fried

September 27, 2010 11:38 AM PDT

SAN FRANCISCO--Microsoft said today that it is scrapping its aging Windows Live Spaces blogging technology and will instead make WordPress the default blogging option for Windows Live.

It's the latest move by Microsoft to use Windows Live to connect to other leading Web services, rather than rely on its own, less popular options. For example, Microsoft has shuttered its not-so-widely-used Soapbox video-sharing site and now gives users of Windows Live Movie Maker the option of posting to Facebook or YouTube. Within Windows Live Photo Gallery, people can post to Windows Live, but can also share photos directly to Facebook and Flickr.

"There are 30 million people who are actively using Windows Live Spaces and have been eagerly awaiting the next set of new blogging features," Microsoft's Dharmesh Mehta said in a blog post. "For these customers, Windows Live and WordPress.com have worked together to build a simple way to move your blog posts, comments, and integrated photos right over to WordPress.com and start taking advantage of all their new features."

Microsoft and WordPress maker Automattic announced the move at the TechCrunch Disrupt event here.

"This is a unique advantage of Web services, where somebody can transition a user base and still maintain a connection with them," Automattic CEO Toni Schneider said at the event.

Microsoft said that users can start migrating their Windows Live Spaces blog to WordPress today and that WordPress will be the default option when its updated Windows Live Writer blogging tool comes out later this fall. Windows Live users will also be able to send an update to their friends when they have a new blog post, Microsoft said.

One option that it appears users won't have, however, is sticking with Windows Live Spaces.

"If you're not ready to migrate today, you can also choose to download your blog content, migrate later, or delete your Space," Mehta said, pointing users to a page listing their options.

CNET's Tom Krazit contributed to this report.

下面是Word Press的官方声明:

Welcome Windows Live Spaces Bloggers

by Paul Kim

We’re excited to announce that WordPress.com is now the default blogging platform for Windows Live Spaces users. We’ve worked with our partners at Microsoft to create a simple migration service for Spaces bloggers to easily bring all their posts, comments, and photos to WordPress.com.

Over a six month period, beginning today, Windows Live Spaces users will have the option to move their blogs to WordPress.com. To make this possible, we’ve created a brand new importer for Windows Live Spaces to WordPress.com. New Windows Live users will also be offered a WordPress.com blog when they choose to create a new blog.

All current links to your Windows Live Spaces blog will automatically redirect to your new WordPress.com blog after you set it up. In addition, this redirect we’ve set up will maintain your current traffic levels from search engines, as it automatically notifies search engines that your content has a new home on WordPress.com (the technical background on the 301 redirect method we’re using, if you’re interested, is here).

As part of this project, we’ve added support for Messenger Connect as a Publicize option, which enables you to automatically share updates to your WordPress.com blog with your friends who use Windows Live Messenger.

For detailed information on how the migration will work, check out this post on the Windows Live blog.

We’re very happy that Microsoft chose WordPress.com as their preferred new blogging service for Windows Live users. It’s a sign of how strong WordPress.com has become, and credit for that goes to every one of you who’s been creating here.

Getting the most out of WordPress.com

For Windows Live Spaces bloggers who are new to WordPress.com, we wanted to share a few tips for getting up and running with your new WordPress.com blog.

Learn WordPress.com
Get started with WordPress.com with this fun 10-step guide to becoming a blogging hero. We cover everything from the basics like creating your first post, through advanced topics like working with social tools.

Check out “How To” videos on just about every feature of WordPress.com on the WordPress community video site.

If you need a little more help, make sure to browse our extensive support knowledge base, and get in touch with the friendly WordPress.com support team, known around here as the Happiness Engineers. You can also get user-to-user help on our support forums. We’ve also prepared a special FAQ for you that covers topics including Windows Live Photos and groups/friends support.



Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:42 AM

今天上msn的共享空间,发现提示需要移动空间,将现有msn空间平移到 WordPress上,遂按照提示执行。然后期间我没有选择“Download my blog to my PC”,而是直接在Wordpress上进行了账户注册,然后执行了Upgrade my blog to WordPress.com。之后的现象为,当我从MSN上点击“转到您的共享空间”时,浏览器确实自动链接到了我在Wordpress上注册的Blog主页,但是丢失了所有之前的Blog信息,现在我要回到我原先的msn Blog也没办法进去了,因为我不管用什么方法,都是自己链接到Wordpress的主页,本人在MSN共享空间上写了将近4年的Blog全部丢失。但是当我使用“查看您的个人资料”时,在“ Messenger好友动态”记录里可以看到我近期写的Blog段落仍然存在。然而试图通过链接进入时,仍然自动跳转到Wordpress的主页。
同时我十分肯定,当空间提示Uprade时,我100%没有执行过“go ahead and delete my space”这个命令。



Tuesday, September 28, 2010 5:12 AM

你好!我想问下在将msn space升级到wordpress后,是否仍能像现在这样设置访问权限,比如仅好友可见。谢谢!



Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:14 AM

我實在是不喜歡wordpress, 用起來超級不順手。而且我設置權限的時候,朋友也必須有wordpress,這個很不方便啊。。我想問,怎麼能把blog從wordpress搬回來啊??實在是不喜歡啊!!!!


抱怨无益,我觉得童子们可以开始备份自己的博到本机上了(地址:http://你的SpaceID.spaces.live.com/Migration/Download.aspx ),但是对于像我一样有好多年写作的人来说下载备份可能要持续很长、很长时间……至于移植,可以先熟悉一下Word Press,等初期可能出现的Bug完全解决再说。但是时间也不多了,根据微软在移植时候的说法,在2011年3月开始就停止Space服务了。


此外,即使您已下载副本,在 2011年 3月之前仍然可以迁移 Windows Live Spaces 日志或删除您的 Windows Live 共享空间。

话说Word Press还是很强大的,但是有个最不好的地方在于如果你的照片特别多,NND你要准备购买额外空间了,而且是用美元!

顺便说一下,俺在Word Press很早前就注册的空间地址是:http://synyan.wordpress.com,以及通过这个ID新注册的兄弟博http://synyanlive.wordpress.com,大家加为书签吧!

共有 34 条评论

  1. 依水居


    绝大多数live sp都不会到wp来



    十五年前 Unknown · Unknown


    • S


      @依水居 大家还是来了……

      十五年前 Unknown · Unknown


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